Erailna Character in Aelutea | World Anvil


goddess of the Moon and Wolves Erailna (a.k.a. Queen of Moonlight/ Queen of Dogs)

Goddess of the moon, daughter of Hemalla and the giant Seikr.

Divine Domains

The Moons
Night time

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Twin Moons
Lunar Eclipses
Dogs and Wolves

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Daughter of Hemalla and the giant Seikr, Erailna was the sister of Irea and Onerion and the half-sister of Timur. Erailna was said to have been born radiant and shining with great light and of the world of the deathless ones unbounded. She took her abode among the heavens among the initial "great moon of heaven". This great moon was Iarga and was the remnant of the primordial giant Aurelmir's eye. From Iarga, Erailna guided the tides and shone moonlight down on the world during the night. However, Erailna's sister Irea, goddess of the sea so missed her sister that in her grief, she reached out time and again towards Erailna on Iarga that the tides of the ocean wrought devastation on the early world. So great was this devastation that it threatened to drown the world and os the gods tried all that they could to comfort Irea but none succeeded. None but the smithing god Illmarinen however, as Illmarinen in desperation reached with his great hammer and chisel and struck Iarga in two, the moons of Lasaita and Bakea. The splitting of the moon enraged Erailna and she became a lifelong enemy of Illmarinen but Irea was tricked into calm by the gods and ceased her tidal destruction.

Another tale of Erailna is that of her and Fiel, the first dog and from who all wolves and other dogs descend. Erailna is said to have found Fiel on the surface of Iarga as Fiel was born of the giant Aurelmir's blood. Erailna supposedly nursed, cradled and took care of the puppy until he soon became too large for her. With a gentle hand, Erailna placed Fiel among the vast forest of the early world and instructed her uncle Veidr to care for Fiel and all his descendants. This is used to explain why wolves and dogs howl at the moon, calling out to Erailna to let her know they are well.

Erailna, in her capacity as a consort of the star goddess Zerua, is said to have given birth to the twins Rhases and Mykros and is the mythological mother of the Mykrans. In numerous temples in the region, engravings of the moons are made and offers of worship are given to her in her role as the guardian of her sons' people.


Family Ties

Daughter of Hemalla and Seikr
Sister of Irea and Onerion
Half Sister of Timur
Granddaughter of Rymr and Triosa
Mother of Mykros and Rhaeses




Towards Zerua



Towards Erailna

Divine Classification
Circumstances of Birth
Daughter of the goddess Hemalla and the giant Seikr
Zerua (spouse)


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