Almoroc Geographic Location in Aelluros | World Anvil


Almoroc is a rugged and mountainous region located in the northwest of Kalash, the western continent. It is known for its stunning landscapes, ranging from towering peaks and snow-capped mountains to deep valleys and rushing rivers. The region is characterized by a harsh climate, with long winters and short summers that make it difficult for many creatures to survive.
  The land is home to a variety of creatures, from the mighty grizzly bears and wolves that roam the forests to the nimble mountain goats that scale the cliffs. The skies are ruled by majestic eagles and hawks, who soar high above the peaks in search of prey. Despite its harsh environment, the region is teeming with life, with many rare and exotic species calling it home.
  The terrain is treacherous, with steep cliffs, rocky slopes, and deep crevices that make travel difficult. There are few established routes through the mountains, and those that do exist are often dangerous and difficult to navigate. The region's isolation and rugged terrain have helped to preserve many of its unique features, such as the ancient forests and pristine lakes that dot the landscape.
  One of the most notable features of Almoroc is the towering Mount Cairnheim, an active volcano that dominates the skyline. At its base lies the dwarven capital of Stonehelm, a bustling city built into the rocky walls of the mountain. The dwarves are renowned for their skill in mining and metalworking, and their works can be seen throughout the region in the form of sturdy bridges and fortifications.
  Despite the many challenges posed by its rugged terrain, Almoroc is a region of great beauty and wonder, and its rugged landscapes and unique wildlife make it a popular destination for adventurers and explorers. Whether seeking to conquer the highest peaks or simply to marvel at the natural splendor of the land, there is much to discover in this wild and untamed region.
Mountain Range
Location under
Included Locations
Inhabiting Species