Herbreous Geographic Location in Aeleon | World Anvil
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Located to the south of Ma'urwol, Herbreous is the ancestral homeland of the elves. Unlike the elves of Ma'urwol, the elves of Herbreous are very much the traditional high elves. They consider all other races, even elves of other continents, to be beneath them.   Six clans of high elves occupy Herbreous, each with its own king. But the continent as a whole is ruled by the king of the Moonstar clan. Accounting for nearly 40% of the total elven population on Herbreous, the Moonstar clan and its king have ruled the continent from the beginning.   In the center of the continent lies the capital city of Kelestos. The palace of the Moonstar king lies at the center of the city. Surrounding the Moonstar palace at a radius of 2 kilometers from it, lie five other palaces from which the other five elven kings rule. While much of the elven population of the city tends to live in relative proximity to their king's palace, there are no delineated borders and many of the neighborhoods are a mixture of clans.   The elves of Herbreous are the only group on Aeleon that can trace its ancestry all the way back to their arrival on this world. Publicly, most of the people now only know what the followers of The Three now teach: that the Three brought forth Elbereneth Moonstar and his family upon this world in the early days and the other clans emerged from the Moonstar clan as the years passed.   But deep within the secret places of the capital city of Kelestos, hidden away from all others, the six elven kings maintain a vault of records that tell the truth. That truth is that six groups of elves were led here from six different worlds by six different gods. They keep this knowledge hidden away for the day when others will drive the Three away and the truth may emerge once more. But until that day, only the six kings and and two caretakers know that the vault exists, where it is, and how to enter it.

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