Twobridge Settlement in Aedeva | World Anvil


Trading Post of the Beast Men

Twobridge is a rugged town full of tired travelers and grizzled woodsmen. With a nearly constant influx and outflux of traffic along the Bloodgold Road and the frequent hiring of locals to serve as guides, the town's population and infrastructure are constantly changing.   So long as all of the posted rules are obeyed, the Conscientious Traveler will find in Twobridge everything they need to stay for no longer than two sunrises (three if negotiating prices) before moving on to their next destination.   It should also be noted that the permanent residents of Twobridge follow a separate code of law, and as such are not beholden to the posted rules.   Throughout the encampment, the Conscientious Traveler will encounter a variety of merchants and wares as wide as the Bloodgold Road itself. In fact, nearly anything (except slaves, which are strictly forbidden) can be found in the settlement, depending on who is passing through.   Of course, no guide to Twobridge would be complete without mention of the importance of the Beastmen in traversal of the Deadlands. I will put this succinctly, as the Conscientous Traveler is likely already aware of this fact: DO NOT enter the deadlands without a Beastman guide. Otherwise you will surely perish.


Majority Culture: Dead Lands Guides (a.k.a. Beastmen)   Minority Culture: Merchant Caravans   Influential Enclaves/Guilds: Outpost, Stationary Merchants, Rangers


All laws are decided at bi-monthly gatherings. Only official Beastmen are allowed to vote.   There are two sets of laws, one for the Beastmen and one for outsiders. Beastmen are expected to know their own laws and must vote for or against them when proposed unless they are out of town. The record of the law is kept in the temple to Tiln, guarded by Outposts (Wanderers who provide supplies and lodging to other Wanderers).   Outsiders are expected to follow the "Outsider Code", which is posted on large signposts at the boundaries of the camp and in the marketplace.


Despite frequent monster attacks from Chedonc, The Fringe, and The Deadlands, Twobridge's laws against permanent structures prevents the building of walls. In order to better defend themselves, the early Twobridge residents established a weekly monster hunt in the local area, targeted at establishing the Beastmen as the local apex predators. The success of the hunt is a large factor in the encampment's current prosperity.

Industry & Trade

As a necessary stop on the Bloodgold Road, there is a nearly constant flow of merchants and travelers passing through, peddling and purchasing wares.   Because of this, the market in Twobridge is simultaneously extensively varied, and extremely specific. One ever knows what they might find in Twobridge.


Most of the inhabitants of Twobridge are rangers or travelling merchants who are either preparing to cross the Deadlands or resting from crossing the Deadlands. This, in addition to several laws against permanent residency, has led to a culture focused on travel and change rather than permanency.   Most of the buildings in Twobridge are temporary by design, ranging from the luxurious mercantile tents of the Stationary Merchants (who are allowed to stay and sell in town for up to six months), to the tipis of local nomads, to the camping tents of travelers passing through.   The roads through the town, considered sacred by local followers of The Wandering, are an extremely well kept boardwalk that is tended multiple times per day. Interestingly, this leaves the road as the most permanent structure in the city, aside from the Outpost1.


Due to the large population of rangers, meat, furs, and most other animal derived items can be found in abundance in the town marketplace. Hunting equipment is also extremely common. Many merchants even sell specialized weaponry for the hunting of specific beasts.   Most of the Stationary Merchants deal in furs or traveling supplies, including weaponry, but the large number of merchants who pass through the camp bring with them a wide assortment of other goods, from exotic jewelry to arcane wonders to farm implements and more.


Due to laws against permanent structures, due largely to the significant following of The Wandering, there is little in the way of true architecture in Twobridge.   Still, some elements of beautiful woodwork can be seen in the well tended, boardwalk roads in and around the city, as well as the well crafted Outpost which overlooks the town market.   Other than these, nearly every structure is some form of tent or similarly temporary structure. Their exact styles varying as widely as the people themselves.


Located in the Cloudbreak Hills, Twobridge is centered around a cluster of hills through which Smoothstone River runs. The hills provide excellent visibility, as they are taller than other surrounding hills, and the land is bereft of tall trees, due to the savannah climate.


  • Twobridge
Alternative Name(s)
Beast Man Camp
Outpost / Base
312 Permanent Residents
Inhabitant Demonym
Beastmen and Farmers
Owning Organization