Garagos Character in Adventures Along the Sword Coast | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. Lord of War, Master of All Weapons, The Reaver)

Garagos the Reaver, is a god of war and exarch of Tempus, though he focuses more on destruction than war itself.   During the age of Netheril, Garagos was part of the Netherese pantheon. Sometime around or shortly after the fall of Netheril, the interloper deity Tempus managed to slay Garagos. Survived by die-hard followers in several regions surrounding the Sea of Fallen Stars, Garagos mysteriously and unexpectedly reappeared during the Time of Troubles. Much quicker to anger and slower to show mercy than he was before his death, Garagos found most of his followers in brigands, bandits, and priests of the Deities of Fury who paid him lip service in battle.   Tempus merely tolerates Garagos for reasons of his own, reasons that many Realms scholars believe stems from the fact that Tempus dislikes mindless slaughter and destruction, and would be obliged to take on that portfolio if he slew his rival. Though both are war deities, Garagos is far more heedless than Tempus in what war wrought, reveling in destruction and slaughter while the greater deity values honorable combat; this distinction between the different modes of war they represent may be the reason that Lord Ao the Overgod did not enforce his otherwise strict edict against portfolio sharing by stripping one or the other of his dominance over War.

Divine Domains

Destruction, Plunder, Skill-at-arms, War, Chaos, Strength, War, Wrath
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity, Exarch


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