Fenmarel Mestarine Character in Adventures Along the Sword Coast | World Anvil
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Fenmarel Mestarine

(a.k.a. The Lone Wolf)

Fenmarel Mestarine is eternally sullen and serious, a perfect counterbalance to fun-loving Erevan Ilesere. He has no interest in communicating with members of other pantheons or nonelves unless absolutely necessary, and when he does speak he is usually bitter and cynical. Although he tries to avoid commitments of any sort, the Lone Wolf always abides by his word, no matter how reluctantly it is given. Fenmarel watches over the elven borders in disappearing woodlands, jungles, and similar environments, not unlike Corellon Larethian in more sizable homelands. Of all the elven races, Fenmarel takes a keen interest mainly in the wild elves, hidden deep within the thickest forests of Faerun.   The church of Fenmarel consists primarily of outcasts and small tribes of wild elves, and, as such, has little in the way of formal hierarchy. Outcasts from elven society who make their way among other cultures are typically lay followers and not clerics. Members of Fenmarel’s clergy instruct their fellows in the skills first taught by the deity, including how to spy, survive on their own, engage in deceptions and guerrilla tactics, and use poisons to take down enemies with subtlety, but otherwise they have few formal responsibilities aside from ensuring their personal survival.   The Lone Wolf is somewhat of an outcast among the Seldarine, his nominal allies, although supports them in their endless war against the evil drow deities. He gets along well only with Solonor Thelandira (said to be his brother), Shevarash, and Eilistraee. Only the kind-heartedness of Sehanine Moonbow can draw the Lone wolf back to the other Seldarine on rare occasions.

Divine Domains

Feral elves, outcasts, scapegoats, isolation
Divine Classification
Intermediate Deity


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