Charon Character in Adventures Along the Sword Coast | World Anvil
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Charon is a powerful Altraloth, a lord of the Yugoloths, reportedly transformed into a more powerful creature by the Night Hags of The Gray Waste of Hades. Charon's role is to provide travel on the River Styx, but he always charges a steep price and kills those who cannot or will not pay. Charon commands a legion of Merrenoloths who provide the same service.   Charon's appearance is that of a skeletal man with glowing eyes in a haggard skull-like face. He typically wore royal robes or ermine and silk. Charon was about 6 feet (1.8 meters) tall,[6] and weighed almost 240 pounds (109 kilograms). His hands were bony claws and his feet were webbed. No-one alive or dead had ever seen Charon without his hood up.   Charon is the lord of the Styx, from its beginning to its end. He despises any outsider, who dared interfere with his river. He also exacts payment from all who make use of the Styx to travel the planes. Charon is deceitful and cunning, and utterly self-serving, usually operating only to benefit himself.   As leader of all Merrenoloths, Charon will come to the aid of any of the fiends who call for his help. However, he charges a stiff price. Many Merrenoloths would rather die than call for the Ferryman to save them.   All of the River Styx is considered Charon's realm, but he is rumored to have a secret fortress in which he hoards the fees he collects for his services. Charon is metaphysically connected to the Styx and all life, and therefore he cannot be destroyed. If he is defeated in combat his essence returns to the River's source. Twenty-four hours later, Charon returns and will relentlessly pursue those who defeated him. As long as there is at least one living creature in the Multiverse, the River will continue to flow and Charon can not be destroyed.  


Many ages past, the marraenoloths were besieged by repeated attacks by demodands under orders from their master, Apomps. Though the skeletal fiends sought aid from the greater yugoloths, their entreaties were rebuffed, for they couldn't afford the exorbitant prices asked by the ultroloth masters of their race. In desperation, the marraenoloths turned to the night hags. The night hags agreed to use their magic to create a champion, an altraloth, from their number in exchange for free and unrestricted ferry service across the Styx, for all time. With no other alternative, the marraenoloths agreed, and so one of them was transformed into Cerlic, the altraloth champion more commonly known as Charon. With his greater, hag-enhanced powers, Charon was able to stop the demodand attacks so thoroughly that the demodands never bothered the marraenoloths again, though exactly how he did this has been kept secret from other races.


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