Merrenoloths Species in Adventures Along the Sword Coast | World Anvil
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The grim, gaunt captains of the ferries on the River Styx, merrenoloths have total command of their vessels, ensuring that their passengers reach their destinations safely. Sometimes merrenoloths can be coaxed away from the Lower Planes to captain other vessels, affording those ships and crews the same protection.   Whenever a merrenoloth takes on a contract to captain a ship, it bonds with the vehicle to make sure nothing goes awry with it during the journey. A merrenoloth can navigate its ship safely through the worst storms, always stays on course, and never runs afoul of the myriad hazards that can thwart lesser captains.   A merrenoloth can hold its own in a fight, but it prefers to avoid combat when possible. In fact, it typically specifies in its contracts that it is under no obligation to fight. A merrenoloth’s first duty is always to its vessel.


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