Carnesis Organization in Adulla | World Anvil
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The core belief of the Carnesian city-state is that they are only as stronger as the weakest of them. Duty to the city-state and thereby to a lesser degree the Lord Emperor comes above individual glory or windfalls.

Carnesis is the city-state that treats their Dulllmar the best as well. The belief that all are equal and must pull their weight for the city-state has forced even the most xenophobic to accept the Dullmar as almost equals. In return, the Caresian Dullmar are the most genuinely revenant in their service to the Chosen. Chosen families are even known to bring important Dullmar to their household into their families as adopted members. This does not put out all caste tensions though as there are still clear lines of delineation between the castes.

Public Agenda

The Carnesians love to brag about their city-state and how they look out for others. Some see this as propaganda for their political structure and culture but Carnesians see it as a way to spread their good throughout the world.


Carnesis is a younger city-state compared to most. They found it hard to position themselves politically against the more greedy heads of state. They have seen some of the most steady growth of any of the city-states over the last millennia. They have gained favor through the use of their elite fighting forces for the Lord Emperor's needs.

Demography and Population

The total city-state contains about 80,000 humanoids the bulk of which are human and live in the capital city of Carnesis.

There is an unusually high amount of Dullmar in the capital as well due to the better than average treatment of the caste.


Stretching from the plains in the south to the great woods of the north and border by the eastern sea and Eklia, Carnesis is a relatively non-descript landscape of sparse woods and relatively flat terrain. 


The Carnesians are known for and take great pride in their elite samurai warriors. They run in to battle to protect their city-state and do not stop until their enemy is ended or they are slain. These warriors make heavy scale armor seem lighter than air and wield blades like extensions of their very soul. Outside of the Black Fist, the samurai of Carnesis are the most feared warriors on Adulla. 

Foreign Relations

The Carnesians are generally friendly with the other city-states due to their willingness to help others and looking for little or nothing in return. They are not the first allies called upon for subterfuge or morally grey political maneuvers though.

Stronger Together

Geopolitical, City-state
Alternative Names
Moon of the North
Leader Title
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Dependent territory
Economic System
Mixed economy
Legislative Body

All citizens of Carnesis all belong to Unions based on their caste and job. These unions select representatives for the collective. The collective then selects a Carne to represent Carnesis in matters of state.

Neighboring Nations

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