The Kruka Atu, a most valuable bird Species in Adhonaglamar | World Anvil
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The Kruka Atu, a most valuable bird

In addition to my standard Summer Camp 2020 Author's note, I'd like to add that this particular article is very much a WIP. It might contain unfinished sections, missing names or temporary placeholders.

The Kruka Atu[PLACEHOLDER] is a valued bird amongst scribes. While they normally have a golden-brown plumage, every so often one is born with flight feathers that turn a shiny copper-colour when it reaches maturity. It is these copper-coloured feathers that are so desired by scribes to turn into quills.

As quills, the copper-coloured variant of the Kruka Atu's[PLACEHOLDER] flight feathers provide an excellent, sharp point that lasts far longer than any other quill, regardless of the surface it is used on. It also provides a large reservoir to contain in, its shaft being larger and wider than those of other birds' feathers. Overall it provides a very pleasant writing experience. No other feather, not even that of the average golden-brown Kruka Atu[PLACEHOLDER], can match its quality. Some scribes even claim it enhances the quality of their writing. That remains a dubious claim no one has been able to substantiate though.

The feathers can be found in speciality shops in Naeron. A few of them actually own one or more Kruka Atu[PLACEHOLDER], although the difficulty to breed them, their price and the associated security risk makes this an exception. The birds themselves are usually owned and bred by exotic bird handlers in Naeron. Since the birds don't do well in mild to cold climates, their presence remains restricted to Naeron.

Their rarity and quality means that a quill of a copper-coloured Kruka Atu[PLACEHOLDER] sells for 30 times the price of an average quill in Naeron, and for over 100 times the price of a quill in the other three Regions.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

The Kruka Atu[PLACEHOLDER] used to live exclusively near the Boundary Area of Naeron, in the warm sanddunes that can be found there. It is a very territorial bird, which requires a large territory. This means only one or two couples could be found in an area spanning several km². It was hunted so extensively (for breeding purposes) that it can no longer be found in the wild.

There are rumours some small number of Kruka Atu[PLACEHOLDER] can still be found deep within the Boundary Area itself. Yet since it is already dangerous enough to travel that area without taking into account the difficulty of finding a rare bird, no one has been able to confirm this.

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Author's Notes

This article was created during Summer Camp 2020 - as such it is a beginning rather than an end; the article will most likely be edited/changed in the future when the world of Adhonaglamar grows. This may explain any lack of visuals or a proper lay-out.

Cover image: from Pixabay. Edited by Errandir, Summer Camp 2020 logo by World Anvil.

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