The Eternal Lotus Organization in Acria | World Anvil
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The Eternal Lotus

It wasn't surprising to learn the existence of a faction that has been working in the shadows since time began. History in Acria seemed too clean, too precise. As if some people were guiding it here and there. Meeting them, being a part of them made me realize how important it was they did so. Why they keep Dwarvish firearms in the depths of Undrek and out of few hands as possible. Why they've chosen not to reveal themselves to the wider world. If only we weren't to lose this group should our goal be completed. Perhaps Acria would be better off if the Eternal Lotus were always there to pull the strings and deal with threats to the world as needed.


  • The Dark and Light Brothers (Seneschal and Knight): The Absolute Leaders of the Eternal Lotus. They were the founders back in the days of Aeternum. Due to them being bound to night and day respectively, they can only appear in meetings when an eclipse is formed.
  • Chrona and Spero (The Creations of the Brothers): Due to being the last two Eternals created and the the successors of the brothers, they take up the role as the leaders of the faction on the day to day operations. Spero, due to his actions during the Warring States period, was sealed in the Eternal City by Thanatos, Ares, and their vessels, making Chrona more of the leader than Spero.
  • Everyone else.

Public Agenda

  • End the war between Eternals and Mortals through any cost.
  • Ensure the continuation of Mortals
  • Potentially: Save the Eternals


The Eternal Lotus were founded unofficially when the Eternal brothers chose the people who would be gods when mortals came to be. The ones who stayed by their side during the Eternal Civil War went on to become gods of pantheons and religions except for figures such as Spero, Thanatos, and Chrona. Unfortunately, the group fell out of contact after The Fall when Spero sealed the 6 disciples of Anu in the Abyss and killed every Eternal, putting them in healing crystals for as long as possible.
This proved to be a horrible idea as the separation caused of the Eternals left them out of contact with each other and eventually led to infighting. The War for the East, perpetuated by Spero and his attempts to create a continent of peace for Takira before the Demons and Disciples came out of the Abyss, was a consequence of that infighting. But with their old enemies back once again, the Lotus were finally able to do what they were meant to do: protect mortalkind.
However, mortals discovered their existence such as the Elemental Heroes and the Lions of Leowyn. The former chose to join the Eternal Lotus and the latter worked alongside but separate from them during the Long Night. Other groups also joined the Lotus and turned it from an Eternals only faction to Eternals and Mortals united in their defense of Acria. It was this unity that allowed them to weather the 500 year long conflict. In 800 SF, in the Eternal City, the Eternal Lotus officially formed and their first major victory was in 1000 SF when they finally defeated the Demons and brought an end to the Long Night.
From that point on, the Eternal Lotus chooses select mortals and even Eternals to join their ranks to aid them in the fight against the Destroyer and his forces. And as one of their number continues to cull the number of Eternals, their method in protecting Mortals has gone from simply holding the line to bring the conflict to an end, and now they push to bring about one final conflict between the Brothers and the Destroyer, a conflict that will kill them both and as such, cause the erasure of every Eternal from the Universe.

Etiam aeternitas desinit

Founding Date
800 SF


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