The Eternal Civil War Military Conflict in Acria | World Anvil
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The Eternal Civil War

When I first heard about the Eternal Civil War, it all seemed so surreal. The descriptions, the visuals. I thought that it was madness people like that could exist and fight like that. And then I saw the Tempest King and he told me the truth. I met the Eternal brothers and they showed me the truth. Before we even began to develop on the world, our existence was threatened. And yet people who were so far above us, who were even more powerful than gods, chose us over themselves.
—  Personal Entry on Eternals

The Conflict


Billions of years before the current year, a previous universe came to an end. Only two survivors of that old universe came to be in the new one: Enu the Creator and Anu the Destroyer: The First Eternals. As Anu ended the old universe, Enu gave birth to a new one. And to keep this universe safe until it needed to come to an end, the Creator created the Eternals to live in and safeguard the universe and seeded many worlds with non-sapient life. However, doing this spread them too thin and they faded away in the Destroyer's arms. But before they disappeared, they created a successor in the form of Eno or the Knight.
The Eternals found a home on the world of Aeternum with Knight and the Destroyer as their leaders. However, the latter was worried that he too would fade away and created a successor in the form of Ano or the Seneschal. For a long time, the Eternals were content with Aeternum. But the ambitions of the Knight and the Seneschal made them wonder about what if there were more like them out there. Seneschal went out amongst the Astral seas and found... nothing. Countless planets with basic life such as animals and the like but nothing on the scale of Eternals. So he, his brother Knight, and his creator, Anu, came up with a plan to create sapient life.
At the same time though, they caught glimpses of the future. They saw the life they would create and were fascinated by it. Knight created a domain where souls would constantly be created to seed sapient life. This domain needed many entry ways and so he planted the gateways into the many stars across the universe. Of course, it wouldn't be infinite as these stars would fade out and die, heralding the end of non-Eternal life when all the gateways close. He also crafted an afterlife for those who were good and neutral people while Seneschal created an afterlife for those of evil nature, an endless Abyss safeguarded by Nine Hells to keep them stuck in their prison.
Further glimpses into the future helped them to realize that the mortals would require beacons to pray to and help them. So Eternals were handpicked to become Gods, to receive worship and aid the mortal species. But as time went on, some of the Eternals began to wonder if it was a good idea to bring forth all of this. One of Seneschal's students, an Eternal known as Chrona, decided to learn the truth for themself. In a magical ritual, Chrona spread themself across time and learned the truth. They saw countless events and countless futures but it always came to the same result: Eternals and Mortals couldn't co-exist. For one to survive, the other had to end.
This revelation shattered the resolve of many Eternals as they didn't want to risk their lives for these creatures that they could never care about. It didn't help matters when Chrona later found out that the Creator was not gone. Instead, the Creator's souls was split across the universe. The majority of it was housed in every Eternal but the rest of it was housed in the Soul Domains and as such, every mortal soul that would be crafted. Only the destruction of all Eternals or all Mortals would bring back the Creator as a result. With Eternity on the line and the possibility of the one he cares about most finally returning, Anu decided to end mortals before they came to be with Knight and Seneschal against him.
Most of the Eternals joined Anu while most of Seneschal and Knight's pupils joined their faction. At first, both sides tried to convince the other but things became more heated. The war officially began when Orva, Chanus, Deme, Krin, Ven'jis, and Vehsa, Anu's 6 disciples, attacked Chrona and left them so injured that they were put into a healing crystal until the end of the first part of the Eternal War.


Aeternum was devastated by the conflict and the battle between the three original Eternals caused Aeternum to be terraformed into what would become Acria in the current day. Many like to think that Seneschal and Knight planned for that outcome.

The Engagement

The majority of Anu's Eternals attacked Knight and the protectors of Mortals, keeping them busy. Seneschal was separated from the rest of them and was attacked by the same disciples that harmed Chrona. He absolutely eviscerated them but spared their lives, not wanting to kill his former students. He then faced off against his creator, Anu, but found that he wasn't strong enough to defeat him. Anu wasn't strong enough to wipe out the soul domain due to the lack of destruction in the universe, but he was strong enough to defeat his creation who didn't want to kill him. So the Destroyer merged with his creation, hoping that he would have enough power to destroy non-Eternals. But he needed to know how to enter the Soul Domain and so he would take it from Knight. With the two fused together, the Destroyer made short work of the Eternals against him but hesitated against Knight.
In the end, however, Anu won and would've killed the successor to the one he cared for most if some part of Seneschal didn't stop him. He got what he wanted however and discovered that he could enter the Soul Domain with only his soul. So he split his body and soul, the latter going to the Soul Domain while the former waited on the surface of Aeternum. But if the existence of mortals and Acria is to mean anything, he failed. Knight's body was too weak to keep going but he knew that he had to stop Anu. He also split his body and soul but hurled his body into the Soul Domain, knowing that it would be trapped there as a Guardian of all those souls.
His body fought against Anu's soul, his words and actions awakening Seneschal's soul deep within his creator. He freed himself and helped his brother against his creator, allowing both himself and Anu to be cast out of the Soul Domain. Knight's body, however, was stuck inside the Soul Domain forever split from his soul. But he succeeded and his brother would finish what he started with Anu's soul. The two landed in what would be northern Takira and did battle once again. This time, Seneschal wouldn't hold back and sealed his creator into the Abyss, creating a gateway into it for all times.
During all of this, Knight's soul fought against Anu's body when he attempted to reconnect with his soul. Thanatos and Nera, two followers of Seneschal, aided him and in the end, he was able to seal away Anu's and Seneschal's bodies, their prisons deep in the Shadow Domain and the physical manifestation of it being the twin moons of what would be Acria.


  • Knight, Anu, and Seneschal were separated from Acria
  • With Knight and Sen's side winning, mortalkind would come to be.
  • Chrona and Spero, creations of Knight and Seneschal, would be the new leaders of the Eternals


  • This was only the beginning of a long conflict still going on to this day
  • Anu's disciples would once again try to end mortalkind millions of years later, only to be sealed in the Abyss
  • Eternals were forever split over the issue of the mortals and that is the reason why they still fight to this day

Historical Significance


Knight and Seneschal's followers became the gods they wanted them to be, merging with mortal souls eventually so they would never forget who they were protecting and guiding. The mercy of those two Eternals would come back to haunt their people as Anu's disciples would continue to try and end all of mortalkind. This war would claim billions of lives over the years and it has finally come to a head in 1500 SF as now the brothers and their faction are determined to bring about the end of all Eternals to finally keep mortalkind safe.
Conflict Type
Military Campaign
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Millions of Years Before the Fall
Ending Date
Millions of Years Before the Fall
Conflict Result



  • While technically the weaker of the two sides, Knight and Seneschal were the powerhouses that kept their faction from falling apart
  • Overwhelming


  • Chrona was badly injured from the attack and when they healed, they became distant, fractured, and aloof
  • Seneschal and Knight lost both their bodies and their souls were bound to day and night
  • Anu's body was sealed in the Shadow Domains while his soul was sealed in the Abyss


  • Defend the Soul Domain
  • Destroy the Soul Domain
  • Return the Creator


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