Ayuruk's Feather of Sending Item in Abios | World Anvil

Ayuruk's Feather of Sending

Forgotten Realms Wiki

Ayuruk's Feather of Sending

Wondrous Item Very Rare (this item requires attunement) [Conjuration]

Ayuruk's Feather of Sending is a variation of sending stones -- magical items that allow remote communication over any distance, even across different planes. While sending stones themselves are not unheard of among those familiar with magical items in Abios, Feathers of Sending are only known to a handful of Verchein Tiefling sages.
Ayuruk's Feather of Sending has two components. The feathers are carved from whale bone or walrus tusk, while the second component is a smooth square surface of slate similar in size to a stack of parchment. If the feather or the stone is destroyed, the other loses its magic.
When activated, the feather can be used to send one piece of parchment targeted at the bearer of the slate surface. Anything written on the parchment sent appears on the surface of the slate, seemingly chiseled by a meticulous stone carver. This allows the bearer of the slate surface to take a charcoal rubbing as a method of storing the sent message. The receiving slate surface would return to its smooth surface shortly before dawn. This power could be used only once, after which the feather regained its magic at dawn.

Weight: 0.5 lbs


Item type
Very Rare
0.5 lbs


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