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These mighty beasts roam the western plains of Abaddon, mainly in Vern and The Silver Flats. They resemble their cousins, the oxen that feed on the grass fields south of distinguish

Basic Information


Resembling the normal ox or cow but instead with a third horn pointing straight forward from the middle of their head, and a size that more than match the biggest of oxen or cow. They are four-legged and strong with much fat and hair cowering their bodies from the sometimes cold winds sweeping the vast plains. When fully grown they might weigh as much as 6 tons, and with a large portion of that weight being muscle they are a worthy foe to many of the natural predators of the western continent.

Genetics and Reproduction

The species have been bred in Vern for thousands of years to promote size and strength. With the Thru-anak being both beasts of burden as well as a food source to the populace.

Growth Rate & Stages

The are born calves, which they remain until the next year, following that they are considered young bucks or heifer until they have passed their third year. Only htne being considered adult and reaching their full size around their fourth year.

Ecology and Habitats

The Thru-anak is to big to live in forests and jungles which force them to occupy the wide spanning fields of grass in Vern and its western neighbor. They have thus developed a size and strength that make them hard for predators to hunt.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The ox-like creature eats massive amounts of grass and other plants to sustain their large build, but many a farmer consider it a bargain with the help a Thur-anak is able to bring to a farm.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Thru-anak are hard to sneak up on with their amazing hearing and their ability to smell distinctive scents.
Geographic Distribution

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