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Oculus Legere

The magical artifact at the top of Capitol's main monument, The Spire. Only a few number of individuals know its true purpose and value. The artifact gives of a dim violet light that gives an eerie feeling inside the walls of Capitol at night.   The Oculus main purpose is to transcribe whatever it is able to see from the top of the tower. It continually writes down whatever it records of the surrounding world, giving its master the means to control the passage of events with an iron-hand.

Manufacturing process

The eye was created with magic before the current time count. Historians speculate that the ritual performed to enchant the eye was on the power scale of high magic.


Many just assume that it is part of the plan to keep the metropolis known as Capitol lit at night to increase productivity. It is in fact one of the most important and last lines of defense to the avatar of knowledge and mind, Ion's power to know anything that has ever been written on the continent Abaddon makes this tool immensely powerful to him. This since its gaze covers virtually all of the city and it transcribes it as soon as it happens which in turn gives him knowledge of the events happening all around Capitol at the same time they are happening.
Item type
Current Location
Current Holder
Being the only one of its kind with power of this scope makes the Oculus invaluable.
Raw materials & Components
Crafted out of an clear white stone, that now seems to be alive. It is unknown to all but perhaps Ion himself what the artifacts materials and components consist of.

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