White Poppies Organization in Aasha | World Anvil
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White Poppies

A grassroots movement among the poor working-class humans of Elysia promoting the advancement of human rights and privileges in the city. They identified themselves by wearing a white poppy somewhere conspicuously on their clothing. Businesses sympathetic to the cause planted white poppies outside of their business. Their radical political activities was the cause of the White Poppy Revolt.  

White Poppy Revolt

In the Melikkan of 4824, a rally started in the morning outside of the walls of Elysia. The rally designed to show support to the cause and intimidate foreigners and non-humans of the city quickly spun out-of-control as the rally marched towards the Twin Spires. As the rally marched passed the Foreign Quarter, arsonists set fire to many prominent shops owned by non-humans. The fires quickly spread to engulf the entire quarter then spread to adjacent quarters. Reports say that groups of White Poppies inhibited the fire brigades trying to slow the spread of the fire throughout the quarter.   While the fires burned other reports say that widespread violence towards foreigners and non-humans were rampant throughout the city. While Aldrich Pendragon and his handful of loyal City Guards were trying to contain the situation, many City Guards sympathetic to the White Poppy allowed great acts of violence to continue.   More horrifically, when the City Guard later entered the courtroom where a high-profile crime was being tried, they found everyone in the courtroom dead including the Hand of Ravi who way adjudicating the case. His personal guard, the defendants, and a criminal witness were all missing from the room.   Aldrich Pendragon with his loyal Guardsmen gathered up what non-humans and foreigners he could and left the city for their protection.


The White Poppy organization was headed by mysterious masked figures that would plan the general strategy and get rid of political or bureaucratic road blocks. Below them, various lieutenants would carry out these leaders' agenda, organize rallies, publish and distribute literature, and recruit new members to the cause.

Public Agenda

The White Poppies public thesis was that since Elysia was settled originally and primarily by humans, humans should be given preferential treatment in politics and business.   They spurned the slowly changing culture of their city and country by the influx non-humans and immigrants from foreign countries. They were notorious for public "demonstrations" in the Foreign Quarter of the Inner city.

Humans then. Humans now. Humans forever!

Founding Date
Political, Activist


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