The Greenlands
The Greenlands of Ecleinia are a fertile set of grasslands which stretch across much of central Ecleinia- from the eastern coast to the foothills of the Thousand Peaks in the west. The area is particularly well known for the massive agricultural surpluses it provides the Ecleinian nation with- an estimated 60% of the nation's food supply originates in the Greenlands. Most of the area is rural and serves as host to thousands of low-impact farms. Small towns dot the landscape, while the walled city of Therinsburg sits at the center of the Greenlands and the country.
In addition, several forests crisscross the Greenlands in the south. The river Verant flows through the central portion of the region as well.
The terrain is mostly flat, although it tends to be hilly in some areas. Forests are a dominating feature in the south, where they divide the landscape. Tributaries of the Verant river also flow across the grasslands, which provides the water needed for the large-scale agricultural activities in the area. Therinsburg, the dominating city of the region, is the largest city in the area. Smaller towns and villages also dominate the landscape.
Fauna & Flora
Many creatures native to the Ecleinian grasslands live here. The most common are the Ecleinian bison, the Ecleinian deer, the scarlet hawk, the fernback lizard, the grasslands boar, the Greenlands hare, and the grass-slug. Native plants include wild sorghum, waterweed, and various native grains.
Farmers have introduced various domesticated crops and creatures to the region as well. Farmers brought various kinds of cattle to the region, as well as chickens, pigs, and sheep. Some domesticated cattle would escape and interbreed with the native bison, creating a new hybrid species, the Ecleinian beefalo, which would also be domesticated. Farmers would also domesticate the native boars and some bird species. These farmers also domesticated multiple kinds of native plants, including many grains and the stony bean, a native bean. They also introduced tuber crops.
In the modern age, the area grows all sorts of crops, the main ones being wheat, sorghum, soybeans, and potatoes.
Natural Resources
The soil in the Greenlands is some of the most fertile in the world. The farming industry provides food and crops to millions. In addition, the area holds a few mineral riches under the soil, including small deposits of zinc and iron, as well as coal. The timber from forests in the south is considered some of the best in the world. The air quality in the Greenlands is also considered to be excellent, and is considered the standard for air quality in Ecleinia.
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