The Cold Lands Organization in A Time For Swords | World Anvil
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The Cold Lands

The northern most region in the continant and home to a race of brutal cannibals known as the Half-Men.


  • Warlord
  • Chiefs & Champions
  • Shamans
  • Warriors
  • Hunters
  • Scavengers
  • Women & Slaves

Public Agenda

To take what we will.


  • Hundreds of camps and settlements scattered across the vast territory.
  • Iron and bronze weapons and armour.
  • Bloodstone
  • Large fighting population of tough savage men, genetically selected to survive their deadly environment.


The Half-Men have existed in The Cold Lands since the beginning of recorded history and have constantly plagued the realm with raids and invasions of various scales.   The only history recorded by the Half-men are the names and appearance of their most legendary warriors.

Demography and Population

  • 500,000 fighting Half-Men.
  • 100,000 Women of various races
  Most of the population is distributed evenly across the land with a couple of high-density areas of importance. The Half-Men are divided into tribes going back countless generations. Each has its own customs but most share the same base religion and ideology.


The Northernmost region of the continent, sharing a border with the Vlads.


500,000 Fighting half-Men   Half-Men grow up to twice the size of a normal man and are hulking with muscle. They stand with a hunched posture so they're always cocked to strike. Their skin is pale, almost translucent and what little hair they do have is course and grey. Their long red tongues used as an intimidation display, sit behind their sharp uneven teeth which are said to grow back until death.

Foreign Relations

Very poor.

Agriculture & Industry

They do not sow, build or work. They take what they want, including slaves.


  • A life of constant violence and savagery prepares them for their harsh lives or kills them in the process.
  • Word of mouth stories.

Born cold.

Geopolitical, Province
Alternative Names
The North, The White Wastes
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Barter system
Legislative Body
Judicial Body
Warlord aided by chiefs.
Neighboring Nations

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