Elemental Fire Language in A Strange New World | World Anvil

Elemental Fire

Fire is a greedy element, its language consists of barely more than expressions of want and need. Fire elementals can be quite intelligent, but their communication is little more than animalistic expression of domination and submission. They are not social in the least and there is very little need to express compromise, coordination or empathy. If not for Fire Warlocks, there would be none.

Writing System

Elemental fire can express dominance and territory not unlike the way canines do it with urine. Fire elementals have been known to deposit molten slags of metal as demonstrations of their heat. The higher the melting point of the metal used, the more impressive its demonstration is. No more complex messages would even be considered necessary between one elemental and another. The most impressive elementals will deposit lava.


There is very little in Elemental Fire that can be classified as phonetic. Rather, elemental fire is communicated by the expression of heat flow, and when it comes to heat flow, there is very little give and a whole lot of take. So the language is usually a tug of war in which the most dominant elemental expresses its desire and other elementals acknowledge this through submission and retreat.
Common Phrases
  • I am bigger/powerful/dominant (absorbing heat from the recipient and then flaring)
  • Depart (repeatedly absorning heat from the recitpient)
  • I acquiesce (sending a wave of heat to the recipient)
  These are about the only things one elemental would say to another.   With the addition of Warlocks into the mix, elemental fire has included a few other phrases:
  • want (pull heat in waves from the recipient, with the intensity of the heat transfer indicating the intensity of the desire)
  • fuel (char something and leave it there)
  • obey (flare heat)
  • reward (send heat to the recipient in a short burst)
  • attack (send heat at or towards something to be attacked)
  As you can tell from these expressions, Warlocks are able to use positive and negative reinforcement to "train" elementals to work with them. The more advanced the warlock, the more complex their communication and coordination can become. Needless to say, Fire Warlocks spend a good amount of their time training their communication and coordination with their elemental familiars.

Cover image: Fire Elemental by ThornSpine


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