Common Expressions in American Language in A Strange New World | World Anvil

Common Expressions in American

Common words and sayings
"As friendly as a Fennodi" - warm, charming, welcoming
"As friendly as a Simvan" - hostile, unapproachable
"Bleach" - kill, obliterate, wipe from existence
"Bring the garlic" - study, prepare oneself
"Brush your teeth" - get ready
"Chunka" - an unrecognizable chock-a-block vehicle well and proudly maintained
"Dog boy minesweeper" - a sacrificial scout or trap detector
"Don't be such a Juicer!" - tell someone to calm down, relax
"Enlaus" - extended family
"Foborist" - Specific to the Tolkeen area, a foborist is someone who disagrees with something a victimized minority says our does.
"Fuck you" - so long, see you later, have a nice day, wish someone well typically used cordially in passing or at departure
"Garlic" - the right answer, the trick to it
"Gods" - replaces "God" in most cultures
"Gone like a fade town" - remarking on how temporary something can be
"Inches" - used to say that something is archaic or old news
"Like a vibe-knife through (my uncle, your skull, bone, bricks, steel)" - easily
"Mist" - kill or obliterate in an explosive or blood flinging manner
"Oh nipples!" - when you've been caught red handed or unaware. Made famous by a travelling puppetmaster in the first decade P.A.
"Paper" - scarce, rare, not to be squandered
"Porky" - false, as in a lie
"Porky Pie" - a lie, usually a big lie or a false story
"Rut" - used in place of 21st century "Fuck" in all respects
"Scab" - an acronym, SCAB, that stands for the Coalition Codified Standards for Cybernetics And Bionics.
"Scat" - used in place of 21st century "shit" in all respects
"That's so literate of you" - cool, upstanding, righteous. Can possibly be used sarcastically.
"That is very human of you" - racially tinted compliment can be used sincerely by the ignorant, but usually used with bigoted intent
"Twitterpated" - smitten
"Twiz" - Techno Wizard
"Twiz-Chunka" - a Techno-Wizard Chunka
"Umbrella" - The circular bloom of bullarum at an altitude of about a hundred meters that appear above any emitting technology
"Well pop my pimples!" - common in most burbs to express excited surprise. Made famous by a travelling puppetmaster in the first decade P.A.

Cover image: Tulcor's Rifts World Title by Tulcor


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