Eugerian Edict of 2190 Document in A Shattered Empire - Vardania | World Anvil
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Eugerian Edict of 2190

For the Title created by this Edict see Prince (Vardanian Variant)

With a single document, Eugeron shook the Hegemony to its very core. In but a few lines, he fundamentally altered the structure of his realm. An action which would ultimately steer it toward collapse.
— from "War of the Seven Princes" by Darius Kaseidis
  Excerpt from the Eugerian Edict:   In the year after the Dawn 2190, under the eyes of the gods, our lord Eugeron, first of his name, Vindicar of Tarquinnia, Socian of Rhomeia, Emperor of the Hegemony, Hegemon-King of Anidara, Akara Raja of Illigara, Tungan of Mykonia, King of Interra and Heronia, lord of all lands under the heavens and protector of its people, decrees that...   ...This action has been verified by Imperial Justicar Atian Coreleanus, under the eyes of Empress Itea, Magister Militarum Gneaus Honorianus Agalet and Primae Aedile Sketea Gannis Aleta.   - I.J.A2CO   Special notice regarding the Eugerian Edict   From today on, special measures have to be taken, to secure a certain set of documents. A faction within the administration, has taken an increasingly radical course and it is to be believed that they soon could attempt and destroy a large number of the items in our archive. This could be part of a larger damnatio memoriae against the later rulers of the Second Hegemony. Henceforth the archive containing said texts is to be guarded at all times. Only trusted individuals, contained within the list found with this notice are to be given entrance. We cannot let the zealotry of a few, rob our people of the chance to learn from the past. The archives have to be protected, no matter the cost!   - High Archivar Malean Coadis
Decree, Royal
Authoring Date
04.04.2190 DA
Ratification Date
05.04.2190 DA

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Jan 28, 2020 01:26

But... what did he do?   Also, I just sorta skimmed over the titles. Wow that's a long name! and to think you know what every singe one of those means! It really gives the feeling of a formal and drawn-out legal document.

Jan 28, 2020 14:11

I mean it says in the Document. Took the provinces and gave them to his relatives. I added the link to the title to further clarify.

Jan 28, 2020 16:47

Oh, sorry. I didn't see the clickable in the top-right.

Jan 28, 2020 16:49

Now I'm just a bit curious about this reference to 'the Gates of Gefrin'.

Jan 28, 2020 19:58

Just a phrase. Gates of Gefrin smth akin to the Gates of Hell. Basically once you become an enemy there is nowhere you can run to