Fjorladdr Settlement in A Mythmaker's Guide to Virosia | World Anvil


Fjorladdr is the seat of the Fjorlosian Mythrokar, and the greatest exporter of well-crafted goods on the Virosian Continent. The dwarves of this city are devoted to craftsdwarfship as a lifestyle, and as a religion. The spirit Vulkjornn lives at the peak of a volcano to the north, in the caldera that tops Mt. Vulkjornn.   A great lavaflow stems from the mouth of Fjorladdr, providing a foundry for the great works within. A tremendous central manufactory hones the spewing magma from the earth, and directs it to where it is needed, warming the place from its frigid cold. This lavaflow is also directed into a moat that borders the Citadel, with great iron gates that are guarded jealosly and with intense jealosy.   Fjorladdr is one of the most impactful cities in Virosia, as it is at a meeting point of resource and industry. Many of the greatest craftsmen of the world are not men at all, as the notorious craftsdwarves of Fjorlosia flood here in search of their ancestral masters' craft and knowledge, if by simply being among such ancient talent.   The market streets of the Citadel are what Akathians generally consider to be "too quiet". The culture of dwarves emphasizes the appreciation of art and wares, and as people browes in these streets. "Let it speak for itself" is an intrinsic part of the street culture, and so the rumbling of the lavaflow takes a president place upon the ears of those that grace these stone walkways. The largest of these market squares, The Velkan Fairgrounds, has an abundance of silence. Hundreds of people at a time, with all but a handful of conversations occurring, and those that do ignite are brief, and followed by an exchange of coin and Velkan.   The city has a standing guard of around 2,000, and is never afraid to put it to work. If indeed conflict comes between cultures, or even dwarf to dwarf, they are swift to have a resolution. Quick action by their guard is a famous attribute of the open streets of the Citadel, as the streets are crafted to be accessable, visible and in combination with the resolved and quiet dwarven streets, it's a streamlined process for the law to be enforced.
The Citadel And The Caldara
Fjorladdr is broken into two separated parts. The city that most visitors see is what is known as The Gatework, or the Citadel. The Gatework is considered a single piece of artwork as a city, and is finely articulated by architects over hundreds of years. Lava moats run over and around the city, with great bridges across them. Every stone and brick in this city is maticulously placed to match a specific dwarven aesthetic, with very little muddying of the vision.   Much of the trade of the entire Fjorlosian Realm is done within the Citadel, as much of its infrastructure is devoted to trade and civil interraction. Many forum grounds and market squares dot the place, and little exists in the way of actual state-devoted buildings.   Within the Caldera exists the inner workings of Fjorladdr. The homes of the most notable of the Mythrokar lie here, as well as important governmental locations. The most important of these is the Caldera, A space worked out of the stone as a forum and meeting ground for the eldest of the Mythrokar council, with space around it designated for civil observance. A central pillar towers over the entire space, supporting the ceiling, and being worked deeper, to carve a wider cavern as the story of the dwarves continues. Major historical events are remembered by the stone of the Caldera, and its depth reminds every drawf that witnesses it of the grandeur of their ancestry.

At The Maw of Fjorladdr

At The Maw of Fjorladdr A darkness does abode For the walkers in the caverns, That don this place as home,   That well they filled with ink unwelcoming those above Tis a strain to climb But I'd rather climb than fall into fathoms deep pit of teeth
See Also: Callerhall