Waylady Hadiri Braddock Character in A Dream of Galastaire | World Anvil
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Waylady Hadiri Braddock

Waylady Hadiri Rek'hara Braddock (a.k.a. The Gladiatrix)

In seeking out the thrill of a good rival, one risks finding a task up to the challenge.

Born to a long line of Braddocks in the eastern heartland, Hadiri was both a typical scion of her household and a bit of an outlier. While she reveled in martial games and displays as much as her parading parents, she had a more intimate appetite to match. The grand arena hosted at the Braddock Garrison became as much of a pleasure palace as it had become a great source of spectacle, and the spectacles became as diverse among the silks as they had among the sands. Her patronage brought wealth, visitors, and guests from across the dream to the Braddock Wayholding, and it was among the more successful and influential in the region.

Once Lion's Fall hit, more than 70 percent of its lands were consumed, a lucky fate compared to many. Hadiri had been visiting in the Capital at the time, already arguing against Savrias's mad campaign to build a new regional Throne in her back yard. There were too many questions, too many worries about changes to the region's ecology and the outright defiance of the Empire's allies and enemies. Much of the fighting between imperial forces, outright rebels, the dwarven clans, and Elvenkind took place on Braddock lands, and Hadiri laid the blame solely at Sarenna's feet. Once it all went up in mystical flame, she found herself thrust into the political spotlight as a prescient voice - bellowing was more her forte.

But the story of Lion's Fall survivors is one of adaptation, and Hadiri's keen eye for lovers, dancers, and gladiators soon turned to the business of picking political partners and hosting galas to seek aid for the afflicted region and to put pressure on a returned Queen who rarely let her leave the capital. She found herself a captive to politics while proxies ran her home with some magical instructions given.

Now, Hadiri works to keep the hot heads of many Masked Knights on their shoulders, as she's far more interested in helping people than in the form of government that does so. As a vocal Imperial critic, this is a point she must constantly remind her peers and rivals. The Lion's Fall comes first and last in her days, and she has little time for the pleasures of sparring or... other pleasures. This has soured her mood considerably, but an able warrior or dancer might rekindle her spark.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Female (She/Her)


Pansexual, demiromantic (brief, passionate flings)

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Military veteran and among the prize-fighters of her own arena.
  • Famously voracious and diverse in tastes, both intimately and in the arts.
  • Primary advocate for the welfare of those afflicted by Lion's Fall.

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Disregarded by more serious folk for her decadence and blunt mannerisms.
  • Politically separated from her home territory, limiting her influence significantly.
  • A vocal critic of a popular Empress in a time of conflict and uncertainty, however fair her concerns.

Personality Characteristics


  • Ideal. Endurance is the proof of passion - endure, if you truly believe.
  • Bond. Hadiri loves her homeland, if not the responsibilities it demands.
  • Flaw. Braddock is quick to discount those who shy away from conflict or intimacy - live loud or be silent.
  • Traits. Hadiri is a nimble dancer for her size and favors shorter partners; She is also quick to shift from seriously playful to seriously serious, should the situation demand it.


Religious Views

Hadiri favors the Three Queens, especially the Bared Queen.

Hadiri Braddock

Medium Human, Chaotic Neutral

Armor Class 16
Hit Points 126 (12d12 + 44) 12d12+44
Speed: 38 ft


( +3 )


( +2 )


( +4 )


( +0 )


( +2 )


( +2 )

Saving Throws CON +7, WIS +5, CHA +5
Skills Acrobatics +7, Athletics +9, Performance +7
Senses Passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Elvish, Halfling, Orc
Challenge Rating 7 (2,900 XP)

Prize Fighter. Once per turn, Hadiri can deal an extra 14 (4d6) 4d6 damage to a creature she hits with a weapon attack if at least 3 creatures that she can see or hear are watching.   Relentless. Once Hadiri has lost half of her total hit points, she gains resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.


Multiattack. Hadiri makes two melee attacks with her greataxe.

Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d12 + 3) 1d12+3 slashing damage

Follow Me!(Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). For 1 minute, Hadiri can utter a shout that inspires all nonhostile creatures within 30 feet of her that can hear her. While they end each turn within 30 feet of her, each creature gains a bonus of 10 feet to their walking speed and deals an extra 3 (1d6) 1d6 damage with weapon attacks against any creature that Hadiri or an ally has hit since the end of that creature's last turn.


Payback. Hadiri makes a melee attack against a creature that hit her with a melee attack.

Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Braddock Wayholding
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I've yet to find a thing not worth doing hard if it's worth truly doing."
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations

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