Dwarfs Species in A dance of orc's and elves | World Anvil
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The Mountain Lords

Known for their mastery of metalwork and innovation. Dwarfs tend to stay out of the affairs of all other mortals.   They have never taken any side in the many and long wars between humans and elfs. They care noting about how the rulers of the surface treat there own or there neighbors. As long as one do not disturb dwarven trade or harm any dwarf civilian, the kings of the mountains and deep never take action against anyone.   Dwarfs have had one war whit the Old Empire of man. A war that nearly broke the Old Empire to pieces. Had it not been for the many goblin wars you one could believe that dwarfs are not much for fighting.   Something that one look at nearly any mercenary company would disprove. The true reason why the dwarven kingdoms so seldom go to war is because non dear attack them. And the dwarfs would rather trade then conquer.   Why, you might ask, do no one dear go to war whit the dwarfs? Because of there greater level of technology. Dwarfs had steel, when humans and elfs had bronze. And now dwarfs have recently soled the secrets of crossbow making, as they themselves have just invented blasting powder and steam engines.

Basic Information


Dwarfs are short and stocky in their build. They are more often then not either, little mounds of muscle or small balls of fat.   Dwarfs are known for there great beard's. A feature that both male's and female's of the race shear. Tho many dwarf women shave parts of there bread's and mustaches. Dwarven hair come in a handful of earthy color's. Brown and red being the most common. But also black and gray is often seen on the heads of dwarf's. Once in a blue moon you might also see a blond dwarf.   All dwarf's have either brown or light gray eyes.

Genetics and Reproduction

Dwarf women can have children two times a year from their first menstruation till the day they die. Sadly many dwarf women do just that when they try to give birth to there fifty-seventh child at the age of over one-hundred years old.

Ecology and Habitats

Dwarfs can live anywhere. They do tend to live on, or under, mountain's. Most dwarfs live in there great underground network of mines and cavern city's whit in the Deep. However there are some dwarfs that live in small trading colonies in human and elven city's above ground.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Omnivores, tho dwarfs prefer meat and bread.

Biological Cycle

Dwarfs are seen a children until the age of 16 years, after which they are seen as youngster. A dwarf is only seen as fully adult at the age of 35 years of age. Dwarf adulthood is long as a dwarf is seen as a elder first after there 112 year. Dwarfs don't live longer then 207 years and are seen as great elders after there second century.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Sentient high

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dwarfs see about as well as humans. Tho they have evolved a greater darkness sight as most of them spend their whole lives underground. Dwarfs sense of smell and hearing is akin to humans.
176 - 207 years
Average Height
1,4 meters
Average Physique

Inborn Magic


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