Villt Svæði Geographic Location in Útgarðar | World Anvil
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Villt Svæði (Vill-T Svayye-de)

Located deep in the interior of Viddleland is the general mess of woods, ruins, and large things with very pointy sharp teeth known as Villt Svæði. Called the Wild Lands this region was once the heartland of the kingdom of Sætar Rúllur before its fall centuries ago. The entire region now has a reputation for danger and death.

After the fall of Sætar Rúllur and the opening of the portal in The Fang the lands around the old capital city of Öxithorpe became beset with monsters flowing from the vaults as well as various beings from other planes. People fled en mass from the land and it fell into disrepair. Only recently in the last hundred years have people begun to resettle the areas on the edge of the lands.

These people, known by most as Villimenn or wild men, are known to be very hearty, strong, and resistant to hardship. They have to be to survive the constant monster attacks and magical hazards of the Villt Svæði. They tend to be nomadic as staying in one place for long is a good way to attract a very large thing with pointy sharp teeth. The only major permanent settlement is that of the fortress city of Öruggtthorpe. The last safe city before entering the wildlands.

Many adventurers and raiding parties stage their expeditions in this city before delving into the ruins in search of lost treasure and eldritch magic. These adventures are often called Líkamaður or corpse takers for their frequent ruin delving. The most famous of these Líkamaður is Úlfur the Mad so named due to the fact that he is dragon-punchingly crazy. He was once a famous gladiatorial champion who, once retired, decided to go out with a bang and charge headfirst into the Wildlands wielding nothing but a ceremonial scepter and a big bag of money. He somehow survived and discovered that he has a knack for tomb raiding and so became a Líkamaður. Noways he is double-retired and acts as a guide and advisor to new Líkamaður.

Advice for new Líkamaður exploring Villt Svæði taken from Úlfur the Mad's book How Not to Die a Stupid and Horrible Death Everyone Will Laugh About.
  • #1: Do. Not. Split. The. Party.
  • #2: Do not trust anyone you meet as they could secretly be a demon, devil, fey, or just plane crazy. People in carts wearing purple robes are the one exception though as they tend to be very helpful and a good source of supplies. Just don't ask where they come from, they will try to sell you on a pyramid scheme.
  • #5: Never EVER sleep in a dungeon and/or ruin. This is a sure way to die horribly in your sleep as well as become the butt of many jokes if people even find out what happened to you.
  • #8: Your guide will leave you if things get tough. Do not relying on them. They are in this for money not death.
  • #15: When taking a rest find a secure location with preferably one obvious entrance to guard and one hidden exit to use as an escape route. But be careful that something does not use your escape route to ambush you.
  • #16: Determine distribution of treasure before the expedition. Many a group has broken up over treasure disputes. There are many lawspeakers in Öruggtthorpe who are willing to write up a contract for you, use them.
  • #19: Examine everything before you eat it. Dying of food poisoning is about the stupidest way to go. 
  • #20: Never bring a squid with you, it won't help.
  • #22: Bring a change of clothes. Muddy rags do not an armor make.
  • #27: Politely turn down any dinner invitation from hags.


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