Sun Tanning Tradition / Ritual in Lens | World Anvil

Sun Tanning

I just don't get it. The sun only comes out one day every five years, and they just spend it lying around wearing next to nothing, doing who knows what kind of damage to their skin.
  Back before The Dimming there was a tradition where people would lie out in the sun in order to make their skin darken. They claimed it was good for them and having a tan seemed to be some sort of fashion statement in many places. Since the sun stopped shining, this past time has become pretty much obsolete for most people. However, there are a staunch few who still believe that getting as much sun as possible on a Sunday is good for them. Most of these people tend to live in and around the city of Dinat, and there are some who do it for religious reasons.   Come Sunday, these old traditionlists have usually got their entire day planned out to ensure they receive the maximum of sunlight. They move their towels, chairs and blankets, many times during the course of the day in order to avoid shadows. In recent years it has become popular to set up deck chairs on ones roof, if you are lucky enough to have one with a flat roof.  
And the worst part is, some of them burn themselves so badly they end up having to seek medical care. Like, there are lotions to help prevent that, not to mention just wearing simple light clothing.
  In the years since the Dimming some people's skin has become less tolerant towards certain waves of light, and they tend to be lot paler than before the sun went out. Even those who have naturally darker skin colours are more sensitive towards, certain wavelengths of light. This old fashioned trend of sunbathing has resulted in several cases of skin cases and even more cases of severe burns, but people still insist that they will be ok.


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