WorldEmber 2023 Unofficial Challenges

Bonus challenges run by awesome folks in the community that I'm taking part in :D

This article is an overview of unofficial challenges created by folks in the World Anvil community that I'm participating in during WorldEmber this year!   Are you taking part? Maybe you're running one? Let me know in the comments!

[Condition] Mixing Symptoms 2

Challenge by: Catoblepon  
I had lots of fun with this challenge last year and I'm really glad Cato is running it again :D those taking part all get the same symptoms as prompts, and we all create different conditions/diseases based off of them and see what we each came up with!   My entry:

[Species] A to Zoo Species Challenge

Challenge by: Mochi    

[Item] Daeni's Scavenger Hunt

Challenge by: Leashea  
OH MY GOODNESS I love this idea!! An in-world scavenger hunt where you need to follow the clues (at least 3) to reach a secret...   My entry:
(Coming soon!)
Featured article:

Cover image: by TJ Trewin


Author's Notes

WorldEmber 2023 pixel art stamp

Pixel art stamp by TJ Trewin

WorldEmber 2023
Date: December 2023
Wordcount Progress:
10k complete!
25k complete!
Overview Article: TJ's WorldEmber 2023 Plans & Progress
Entries: My submitted articles for WorldEmber2023

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Nov 26, 2023 21:23 by Mochi

aaaaaaaaaa, can't wait to see what you write for my challenge! <33

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
Nov 27, 2023 01:51 by TJ Trewin

eeeee I can't wait to start on it!! :D <3

Journals of Yesteryear

Nov 27, 2023 12:12 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Yaaaay, challenges! :D

Nov 27, 2023 14:29 by TJ Trewin

Are you running an official-unofficial Mushember again this year? (I'm still going to make at least one mushy anyway xD)

Journals of Yesteryear

Nov 27, 2023 17:00 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Not this year, but I am hoping to try to write a mushroom stub for Mochi's species thing! :)

Nov 27, 2023 17:09 by TJ Trewin

Yaaay! I look forward to reading it :D

Journals of Yesteryear

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