
A reference of searchable tags used in this world!


  • Index A-Z: Articles tagged by their starting letter.
  • Articles by Template: A list of all articles by article template used.
  • Characters A-Z: Articles tagged by the letter the character's name starts with.
  • Species by Magic Type: A list of all species tagged by their primary magic type.
  • Year: Search content by the year it was created.
  • 2023 | 2024
  • Size

    Lore articles are tagged by length and get updated when I add more to them!
    Tag Description
    bite Snippets and stubs that are super short and can be consumed in a minute or two.
    snack Articles that are a satisfying length but aren't too heavy, 2-5 minute reads.
    feast Big juicy articles (with all the trimmings) - a buffet for the senses!

    Challenges & Events

    I love taking part in the community events on World Anvil (and in the global creative community, too)! Here's where I can look back on my progress :D
    Tag Description Main Article
    400prompts Articles created to answer one of my 400 worldbuilding prompts on Google Sheets. 400 Prompts
    prompt Articles created in response to a prompt on World Anvil.
    challenge Articles related to a challenge or competition on World Anvil.
    unofficial-challenge Articles and content related to any unofficial or external creative challenges.
    spooktober23 Articles relating to the Spooktober 2023 prompts. TJ's Spooktober 2023 Stubs
    mapvember23 Content relating to the Unofficial Mapvember 2023 prompts. TJ's Mapvember 2023 Progress
    worldember23 Articles created during WorldEmber 2023. TJ's WorldEmber 2023 Plans & Progress
    Featured article:

    Cover image: Zendu field by TJ Trewin


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    Jun 15, 2024 03:41 by Morgan Biscup

    TJ! How do you stay this organized! This is lovely.

    Lead Author of Vazdimet.
    Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
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