The First Battalion in Éda | World Anvil

The First Battalion

The First Battalion were the original Warforged, built by Katas to battle in the Archonomachy which threatened all Creation.   Much about them is unknkown, but legends speak of Zia Archonslayer becoming their general after her birth, and how each soldier fought more fiercely than a dozen of their breathing allies. Once the war was over, many members of other battalions sought new purpose in the world they had saved, becoming farmers, mercenaries, or enforcers once Zia founded her empire.   Not the First. Loyal to their original task, those who survived the final battle of the war found an island far removed from the mortals of that time, to be called forth only for the next great war, when once again Fate itself hangs in the balance. In the seven centuries since, they have slumbered peacefully, watched over by Triton keepers.   But nothing is eternal. Recently, their island has been disturbed by the Consuls and Exotics of Ósa, seeking to learn if these most ancient warriors had risen again. They found none awake, and many severely damaged by the ravages of time. With magic they awoke one who had survived the centuries fully intact, and asked him many questions. One only hopes this lone revival is not the first sign that a new age of war looms overhead...      


Unit 1

Firstborn and favoured of Katas, 1 refused the call to rest. He alone remained to watch his companions, to keep them safe until they were next required. Yet he was not found on the island when outsiders came. What could have removed him from his vigil remains a mystery - for now.  

Unit 301

Captain of the Fourth Company, 301 was one of many who perished in the Archonomachy, falling in the final battle.  

Unit 316

Torn from his slumber, 316 returned to the world with violence, lashing out at any nearby as though still fighting the war in his mind. After calming down, he spoke long with The Exotics, both asking and being asked questions for hours, as revelations about old foes and concerns about new ones were shared, until an offer was made; come with them to Chálkináti and learn all that has changed while he slept, while being granted the space to decide what to do next.  
"There are stars."   "Yes."   "The sky is not aflame."   "No."   "We... were victorious."   "You were." - Some of the first words exchanged with Odessa Deo following 316's awakening.

Unit 401

401 is a skirmisher, scout, tactician, and friend. He has extremely human mannerisms and body language, even to the point of making the sounds of sighing and breathing despite having no lungs.  

Unit 601

601 is the Golden Archmage who replaced his old body with one entirely devoted to casting magic and feeling it flow through his new materials.  

Unit 701

Captain on the Seventh Company, 701 is one of many bodies found on the islands without a soul inside it, having died in his sleep.  

Unit 801

Bulkier than any other currently-active Unit, 801 is the premier master smith of his era. He is currently in the process of repairing or replacing over mechanical 600 bodies - a task which would take most people a team and many, many years, but one he will be able to finish in months.  


The First Battalion was separated into ten units, each consisting of one hundred soldiers. The first of each company was their captain - 101 led the second company, 201 the third and so on.  

First Company (1-100)

Greatest and most elite of all Forged, the soldiers of the First Company were thought to be invincible for much of the war for, garbed in shining armour and wielding greatshields as tall as an orc, only the Archons themselves could ever cause harm enough to keep one down. Their hammers blazed with volcanic heat, and The Creator's holy power was theirs to command.  

Second Company (101-200)

The Second and Third were the most "standard" warriors - the front line fighters with combative prowess that would put master gladiators to shame. The Second Company in particular favoured one handed weapons and shields, able to engage multiple flanking foes simultaneously, as though each hand was controlled by a separate mind.  

Third Company (201-300)

The Third were masters with polearms above all else, wielding cumbersome, 20ft. long sarissas with greater skill than a calligrapher would their own pen. A standard tactic was to have the First and Second Companies forming a great shield wall, while the Third stood just behind, piercing any who came too close.  

Fourth Company (301-400)

The Fourth, to whom 316 belongs, were designed to fight at medium range behind the front lines. Their hands could be removed at will, revealing a weapon of pure arcane energy in their right hand, and an elemental cannon in their left. Of course, each and every soldier could fight well in melee, and the Fourth Company were no exception, well used to closing gaps in the ranks of those in front when the situation grew dire.  

Fifth Company (401-500)

With lighter, smaller frames than others, the Fifth were scouts and skirmishers, able to move around the battlefield at great speed and strike wherever was needed most. 401, their captain, was said to be a close friend to General Zia, and was involved in many of her tactical choices.  

Sixth Company (501-600)

The Sixth specialised in ranged combat, able to strike from farther away than some mortal eyes can see. That such a thing was possible speaks to the great skill of the Ninth, crafting bows the likes of which have not been seen since the war ended. Embedded in their arms were the compartments in which they stored their arrows, many of which were enchanted with dangerous magics.  

Seventh Company (601-700)

Spellcasters one and all, to the Seventh there seemed no distinction between Arcane and Divine magic. Whether this was common in those ancient days - or some strange quirk of their creation - is unknown, but their power was undeniable. While they usually stuck to evocation and abjuration magics, there were plenty who branched out into whatever powers they thought would be most helpful.  

Eighth Company (701-800)

Two companies were devoted to Katas' favourite domains, and as such the Eighth and Ninth were craftsmen whom rivalled the dwarves. The Eighth were engineers and architects, building great walls and operating greater siege weapons with which they held back the endless foes of old.  

Ninth Company (801-900)

The least combat-focused of all Forged at the time, the Ninth were the truest masters of Katas' domain. Responsible for crafting the weapons and armour for every soldier in the battalion, evidence suggests they mostly worked in iron alloys rather than bronze - most of the equipment on the island has turned to dust, devoured by The Breaker's long reach - though what little remains is remarkably strong.  

Tenth Company (901-1000)

Unlike the other companies, where all the units share a coherent design and purpose, the Tenth's soldiers were often unique. They were specialists in fields that did not require an army - individual spies or investigators, diplomats or assassins. A rare few were even musicians and poets, exploring what it meant to be truly alive and feel inspired long before any other Forged had the peace to do so themselves.


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