The Blutchers Organization in 2099: Europea | World Anvil
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The Blutchers

A crime family with a long history. They have bribed a lot of people, and those who can't be bribed can be 'disposed' in other ways... Originally from Great Britain, they have come to New Eden with one goal only: control everything. Not with brute force, nah, that's not their style. They're more of a virus that grips around and infects everything it touches. Their main source of income exists of the hundreds of illicit casino's, dancings, brothels and other places of entertainment in New Eden. Rumor has it that they even have started to expand to other Mega-cities...


At the top you have the family, the Blutchers themselves. They keep a firm grip on the whole organisation, and are feared throughout New Eden. After that you have gang leaders, which control gangs that are affiliated with the Blutchers. At the lowest level you have the foot soldiers, the rabble.

Public Agenda

The Blutchers have a clear goal: control. They achieve this through subtile but fearsome bribery and by owning the best places of entertainment in New Eden.


Varies constantly. Includes casino's, dancings, brothels, a HQ in Tower 1, huge amounts of money from all kind of sources, part of the destroyed harbor of Antwerp, for which they fight with The Treviani's, and of course thousands of 'members'.

Everyone has a price

Founding Date
Unknown - traces back to the days before the climate catastrophe
Illicit, Syndicate
Alternative Names
The Casino Gang, The Bribers


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