The curse of Juiblex on Tycho I Myth in 100 Worlds | World Anvil

The curse of Juiblex on Tycho I

The following story has been passed down through the Ta-Urach people:   Around 1780 BCE a Pharoah named Nathkooph wavered in his faith when seduced by a Marilith. He began to worship the Demon Lord Juiblex. Loyal followers of the Pharoah followed his lead. As the demonic worship spread others resisted. Those true to the Ancient Gods revolted, refusing to bow to the Demon Lord and soon the entire civilization on Tycho I is embroiled in a civil war. Generation after generation battle in a bitter downward spiral and by about 1673 BCE civilization is unable to sustain itself and collapses. The ancients still worshiping the Ancient gods are the "winners" but only by a narrow margin as the world lay wasted, a devastation that is the baked and burned landscape of Tycho I today. In its defeat, Juiblex cursed the planet.  The curse was such that no amount of water on Tycho I would be deeper than 1 inch. The lakes, rivers and oceans were transported to Juiblex's realm and stored in a small flask called The Tears of Kakthamtos (Modern day Tycho I). The curse plagued the Ta-urach and civilization descended into anarchy and an endless quest for water just to survive.   The Ta-Urach believe this explains why there is very little water on Tycho I.


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