Ta-Urach Ethnicity in 100 Worlds | World Anvil


These are the human descendants of the Ancients that lived on Tycho I.   Their ancestors built what are now the ruins of Aknaptholis.   Some Ta-Urach are members of the Ak-Kator Rebels who have vowed to fight the Etolarian Empire and its colonists.   Something sinister when wrong for the Ta-Urach ancestors - many suspect deals with Demon's were made when the human society was collapsing back into its nomadic hunter / gatherer origins.   As a race they are plagued with lycanthropy.   Skin tones range from black to olive. The typical stature is leaner and taller than other humans.   They have abandoned most of their ancestor's customs and traditions except for things like food, art music and other such aspects.   Prior to the civil war on Tycho I many had skills (scouts, knowledge, lore) that was valuable to the governing body (Tycho Congress). A few had carved out a niche for themselves and found a way to the middle and lower class. Even fewer made it to the upper class.  Most remained poor and class-less fueling the actions of the Ak-Kator Rebels.


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