Perdita Templum Building / Landmark in 100 Worlds | World Anvil

Perdita Templum

The Perdita Templum, or "Lost Temple" is said to be located in the deep jungles of Jadur. Many theorize it was constructed by the Anterians - the people who came before the Ancients.   If the temple is actually real, it has proven to be difficult to find. The Jungle rapidly covers all trails. Jungle mist and the thick canopy can hide anything. Efforts to find it or travel to it magically often fail, as if it does not want to be found, or as skeptics claim, it does not actually exist.   Those seeking the temple report that it is protected by a tribe of native Jadurian people who do not tolerate outsiders who search for it.   Lastly, the jungle is teaming with prehistoric predators that pose a challenge to anyone setting foot in the jungle.   Thus, the "Lost Temple" moniker comes from the mythes and legends around the elusiveness of the temple. The claims by those who say they've seen it are nearly impossible to verify and many who look for it never return.


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