Empowerment (cantrip) | Generic, Table | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Empowerment (cantrip)

Mages are able to use their powers to suspend themselves in midair, perform acrobatic feats, or supplement their Melee and Brawl attacks with magical force.

Activation: Magic dd check to cast, (Concentration and +1 Strain on further Turns to maintain), Augment, single target, Engaged Range
Until the end of the this character's next Turn the target gains +d to all Athletics, Coordination, Brawl and Melee checks.

Before making an Empowerment check, choose one additional effect from the table below:

SpeedThe character may always perform an extra Move Maneuver during their Turn, without spending Strain. (They may still only perform two Maneuvers per Turn, as usual.)+d
DashWhile this ability is active, during a single Move Maneuver that the character performs during their Turn they may 'Dash' in any direction including vertically. The character may Dash in midair but must land on stable ground before Dashing again. If the character finishes their Turn in midair, unless suspended by some other means the character begins falling at the start of their next Turn.+d
Martial EmpowermentThe character may add Damage equal to Discipline or Coordination to their Brawl or Melee checks. Additionally, their Critical Rating for unarmed combat checks becomes 2, if it is not already lower.+d

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Statblock Type

Generic, Table
