Slug in the Cornfield, Down in the Hole by Honey Badger | World Anvil

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Wed 11th Jan 2023 04:17

Slug in the Cornfield, Down in the Hole

by Honey Badger

The organization sent a handler to me, Timber, Sprite, and Nightwing. This liaison informed us that our cell needed to go "upstate" to a farm determine the status of a missing undercover LFER operative, obtain mineral samples from the canisters, and ensure team safety. Apparently Tarah Kingsley/Rachel Oppenheimer has gone undercover with the rogue LFER cell that claimed responsibility for the recent NYC blackout. She has technology that allows her to disguise herself as a different woman. LFER lost contact with her 48 hours before. The briefer clarified that it's standard procedure among LFER in America to investigate lost contacts, which was not the case in my homeland due to scarcer numbers on our side. Sprite made lots of promises and talked tough during the meeting, but was unable to participate in the first leg of the mission. I'm not surprised- I dealt with "rebels" like her before who like to run their mouth but never deliver when the chips are down. Perhaps I'll see her later on the mission, but I'm not holding my breath.
Regarding the rest of the team, I like Timber the most. I like boys that have his size, upbringing in the country, a plainspoken nature, and his muscles. He's a rooinek after my own heart! He's always dependable and his strength has come in handy on a few occasions so far. Plus he seems to have some kind of crush on me. Bronson Stoddard has a nice ring to it as well. It sounds like a Country or a Rock Star. I like those kinds of music, far more preferable to the electronic-auto-tuned-rap garbage that everyone else listens to these days. Nightwing's been pretty reliable so far, even if he's a little more secretive and mysterious than Timber. It's nice to have him up in the sky keeping an eye on things. We have some things in common as far as being stealthy and trained in martial arts. He's also not a showboat like Sprite, so even better. I think we 3 make a good team, and I liked that Backup fellow as well. It's a shame I haven't seen him in a bit. I hope he's all right and I'll be on a mission with him again so that I can find out more about him.
Timber, Nightwing, and I all travelled to the farm from the insertion point in a delivery truck. We found that the canisters were leaking some kind of gas, and put on our masks to protect from the fumes. We collected samples, but found the farm mostly deserted. Well, deserted except for a giant slug which proved surprisingly fast for its girth. Growing up in the Dark Continent, I heard stories of such monstrous creatures mutated by technology or pollution, but it's the first time I encountered one in the wild. Nightwing was able to do aerial surveillance and warn me of its attack, which I avoided. Sadly, I didn't get the opportunity to tear the creature apart- Nightwing and Timber kept on engaging it when I tried to lure it into several traps. Such a shame, as I was hoping to use my questionite claws on it. On the bright side, I was able to get a sample from it without getting injured by its acid secretions.
Nightwing noticed a hidden underground hatch in the cornfield. I headed over there and opened it myself, dropping down into the hole below. I wonder what further awaits us. Where the hell is Kingsley/Oppenheimer? What happened to the rogue cell? Perhaps down there I'll get my answers.