Grimoires and Golems by Honey Badger | World Anvil

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Sat 8th Jul 2023 08:27

Grimoires and Golems

by Honey Badger

Less than a full day later, my cell got a message from Perry: apparently the previous mission wasn't a failure. "Doc"/"Rollie" ended up being an impostor, so the GENO drugs were still in play. The Commandant returned to us but had little answers to my questions and seemed confused about the whole thing. Very strange. It's nice to have someone around who can charm the IERA as well as boost me and Scarlet Sprite in battle, but I'm not sure if I trust him given that he has a bad habit of disappearing and seems to get along a little too well with the IERA. I chewed him out even worse than Scarlet Sprite, who at least tried her best during the recent mission (even if she seemed out of her league and a bit too reckless for her own good). Hopefully he doesn't go AWOL again. I do miss Nightwing and Timber, those two were reliable allies that pulled their weight and showed me surprising respect. Perhaps they'll be available next mission, which wouldn't be a moment too soon.
Perry ordered us to find the drugs and track down the actual drug dealer. We returned to the subway to follow the lead, and did a little bit of breaking and entering into the surveillance rooms. Sprite got a bead on the alleged Level 37 agent who was intangible as usual. I followed him deeper into the subway, but ended up in front of some kind of secure vault. The vault was guarded by a golem, who engaged me as the intangible man disappeared. The golem was a massive humanoid creature made from rocks. I've seen enough popular fantasy culture to recognize it. It was a long and grueling fight as we traded blow for blow. His fists couldn't land a blow on me and my claws couldn't tear through his rocky hide. Occasionally he landed a blow, but it was never powerful enough to knock me out.
Thankfully Dr. Moses' serum gave me the recovery to bounce back up and continue stabbing into him. Finally I landed a finishing blow that incapacitated the creature, who reverted back into human form. The Commandant caught up with me and I advised him to keep an eye on the golem. I then used my claws and knowledge of security systems to hack through the vault, and my rejuvenation allowed me to endure the strange traps awaiting me. The place wasn't right- it began bending reality. This wasn't storing mad science but some kind of magic, I think. I pressed on and found that the prize was an ancient book. I think I remember from the latest Dungeons and Dragons movie (entry number 10) that it's called a Grimoire. These books contain powerful magical secrets. It seemed to be source of the all the strangeness around me, or at least could give me answers.
I snatched the accursed thing and then the whole place started falling apart. I ran for the exits, sensing that there was some kind of final trap that had been sprung. I just managed to make it to the exit with the encouragement of The Commandant, who told me that it was a trap out of a Lara Croft or Helena Shaw movie: a rolling boulder. Thankfully, my serum-boosted strength and agility were enough to power me away from the boulder and get past the reality-bending stuff. I landed to safety with honey badger-like grace as The Commandant began babbling about the sudden death and "dusting" of the golem-man. We escaped the abandoned and collapsing subway tunnels, meeting back up with Scarlet Sprite.
It's a shame that we couldn't find GENO or Doc/Rollie, but maybe I found something just as powerful for our cause. If this grimoire contains the magical secrets like its movie and game counterparts, this could be a real game-changer. I wonder what happened to that strange man in the blue suit and if he found anything? Well, perhaps this tome could give us something to help counteract his de-solidification powers. That could give us a real change at stopping him the next time he shows up to interfere. Hopefully Perry knows someone who can deal with this new find. I just hope that someone isn't the Scarlet Sprite. God help us all if she's the magical expert in the LFER.
Where is Timber, Backup, or Nightwing when you need them?