Attack of the Killer Frogs by Honey Badger | World Anvil

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Thu 9th Feb 2023 12:52

Attack of the Killer Frogs

by Honey Badger

Me, Nightwing, and Timber made our way down through the bunker till we came to a set of doors. I easily tore through them with my claws, only to receive a hail of bullets from the rogue LFER's commander. Thankfully most of his shots missed or I dodged; and the few that hit bounced off my armor. Nightwing and I engaged the commander, bringing him near unconsciousness. Just as we were about to knock him out, I got shot at by a sniper on the other side of the room, so I charged over there. Timber got distracted by a pizza man that suddenly arrived in the bunker, more on him later.
The sniper ended up being Oppenheimer, the very woman that my team had been assigned to verify her status. She confirmed it to me via whisper when I climbed on top of the crates where she was hiding. Of course, a super showed his face on the scene- I didn't recognize him but Nightwing did. Nightwing engaged the interloper in a friendly conversation for some reason, only to have the newcomer reveal that he was working with the rogue LFER cell. The new guy called himself Resin, but I like to call him "Rhino Snot" or (Reenoster-Snot in my native Afrikaans. He started interfering with meddlesome barriers, denying the terrorist reputation of the cell.
Meanwhile, I ended up grabbing Oppenheimer, then destroying her rifle, and throwing her next to Resin. We whispered the plan, but apparently Rhino Snot overhead us. The ceiling opened up further down the bunker so Nightwing flew down to investigate. He was attacked by a swarm of giant mutant killer frogs, who had already eaten a bunch of the rogue cell members who had been unlucky to get in their way. Luckily, the attack of the killer frogs failed, as they leapt at and missed my armored friend. It was likely the work of those gas canisters leaking, just like the giant slug my team and I encountered at the farm.
Nightwing and I agreed that our mission had been accomplished so we tried to exit. Unfortunately, Rhino Snot conjured another resin wall that blocked our escape. Nightwing was pretty pissed off, as was I. Thankfully, the do-gooder challenged us to deal with the killer frogs- and I was in the mood for a meal of frog legs! I charged forward, slashing into the frogs with my claws. Their thin skin was no match for my claws and I tore them apart with ease. Their counterattacks missed or bounced off our armors. These creatures were dangerous against unarmored and surprised opponents, but far less so to a trio of superheroes. Rhino Snot and Nightwing helped me finish them off, leaving a pile of dead frogs in our wake.
The enemy finished off, Rhino Snot and I engaged in conversation while he allowed Nightwing to check in on Timber. The tree guy decided to chow down on the pizza that Rhino Snot had delivered, leaving us to fend for ourselves in the fight. That lui verloorder left us to fend for ourselves! Well, he became a lot less attractive in my book! Oppenheimer and the commander fled the scene, leaving behind the canisters. Fortunately, it looked like these hadn't been opened.
My conversation with Rhino Snot was a mixed bag. I got some questions answered, but he had a most insufferable habit of going on wild tangents and throwing around bad jokes like a bombing standup comic. He was under the delusion that his cell was a group of heroes, saving the lives of the innocent with their little gas canister project. According to him, the gas cures dying victims from various ailments such as lethal injuries to severe cancers. It clearly has some nasty side-effects, as far as being turned into an addictive and dangerous drug to give people superpowers or turning ordinary animals into mutant monsters. I explained this to him, but he remained most stubborn. He even kept calling me French, which was incredibly annoying. My accent is far closer to Dutch or German than those pampered frogs! Plus he thought I was Canadian- the fool! South Africans, especially Afrikaners, are proud, tough, and resilient- we aren't the whining, weak, apologetic cry-babies like the Canucks!
The ignorant busybody then tried lecturing me on how he didn't kill people. What a chump! Morons like him are why criminals continue to terrorize innocents and the corrupt rule our world with a tyrannical fist. I reminded him to check in on his friends, who clearly have ties to the GENO drug dealers I've been fighting as well as the bastards responsible for the NYC blackout. I thought it best to change the subject to our origins, and he went on a lengthy, boring, and ego-stroking monologue. I replied with a succinct summary of why I became a vigilante and got my abilities. Rhino Snot grew bored of my questions and then headed off to find Oppenheimer, so I took the opportunity as an exit cue.
I met up with my comrades, we extracted ourselves from the bunker, and we headed back to the bokse vragmotor to head back to NYC. We will have quite the report for Special Agent Kingsley. Hopefully he's got a report on GENO and Doc.