What a Journey, Flumph! by Verna | World Anvil

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5-7 Dravago, 994 YK

What a Journey, Flumph!

by Verna Appleblossom

5 Dravago, 994 YK

We woke to a soggy day, just as the foreman predicted. Work detail was cancelled for the day and so we were left to our own devices. Boring! Donaar and I decided to check up on the place I left the bread for the invisible pranksters. The bread was gone and in its place were a ring of mushrooms growing in the soil. I quickly harvested them and assuming that they were yummy, I ate one. The coolest thing happened! Time almost stopped for me. I could watch the raindrops fall so slowly I could easily dodge them and stay dry. Donaar also seems to have stopped moving, so I decided to check on the elemental traps we had set the day before. I had seen a glowing ball of light from those areas earlier. As I raced up to the hill, laughing at the slow raindrops, I found the trap in shambles and strange colors in the rock that the trap was sitting on. I ran to the other trap and there was an angry-looking lightning elemental in that one. Success! I decided to return to the statue of Donaar and see what he wanted to do.

When I got back to Donaar, the rain started to return to its normal speed and he was slowly moving. I told him that the trap we set was exploded and another captured an elemental. He decided to get Wabnuc and the three of us should go find Zelcer. We found Zelcer and explained the situation. We took Zelcer up to the hill, dodging the shrieker mushrooms again, and he was so mad at us. We put the trap on a piece of lodestone, and apparently that was a bad thing. He just told us to put the stupid traps on a rocky hill, and never said anything about lodestone. So he's mad at us for his own mistake.

Zelcer says that we have to try and suck the elemental out of the rock with some big coil thingy. I didn't understand half of it, but he seemed grumpy about it. He mentioned something about needing power too, and I reminded him of the other trap with a live elemental in it. He seemed a little better about things after that. I think he was trying to get rid of us, so he asked us to check the placement of the other two traps to make sure they weren't on this special type of rock. One of them looked like it was on a good rock, according to the gnome, and the other was on a bad rock. The rocks all looked the same to me but we moved the one trap to a better rock. Nothing else of interest happened the rest of the day.

6 Dravago, 994 YK

Baker's Night!

The next morning we woke to the sounds of screaming! Can no one keep quiet around here until I've had my morning tea? I dressed quickly and scurried to the sounds of shrieking. Apparently one of the stable hands was saying that a horse went missing and they followed a trail and found it being eaten by crazy looking tentacle monsters. Right... tentacle monsters. Since we are the most adventurous, the five of us from Cabin 15 (we really should come up with a name for our group) decided to gear up and investigate. Sure enough, we followed the path and there were tentacle monsters eating a horse! I recognized them as flumphs—thanks for drilling that info into me, Portia. I knew that their colors indicated their mood, but not much else. We decided to take them out at range because none of us knew their strengths and weaknesses. Apparently, they are able to spray out a noxious odor and Donaar and Rex smell like chamber pots after the encounter. They went to take a bath in the river for an hour or so, and the rest of us went back to camp.

In the afternoon, a caravan arrived with some acolytes of the silver flame in tow. Once they stopped, my name was called. How would they know me? I don't have any warrants out for my arrest that I know of, so I raised my hand and stood on tiptoe to be noticed. Apparently I have mail—phew! I pocketed the letter for later and watched the acolytes bless the bread.

We went up the hill to the messed up trap and tried to extract the elemental from the stone. The big coil thing was hooked to the other elemental and it started buzzing and creaking. Nothing was happening and as I looked around, I noticed a path of flowers appear. Donaar, Rex, and I decided to follow the path. It led us to the shrieker mushroom hill but not close enough to set them off. The path ended and we floated over a patch of grass to a small dirt patch. In front of the patch was a nymph and a faerie dragon! The faerie dragon, Sparkles, was super nice and appreciated all the things I'd done for the pixies. He mentioned that I gave out good bread, so I gave him one of my rolls. He loved it! He told us that the strange lights were polluting the forest. We told him that we were trying to get the elemental out of the rock, but he thought that his father might know a surefire way to get it out. His father, Nahanial, lives near Woodhelm. He also gave us a fish in a bowl and a staff to give to Nerine. It seemed like hours had passed, but by the time we got back to Zelcer, it was as if no time had passed at all.

We explained to Zelcer about the information given to us about the elemental and how to free it. We even showed him the goldfish and staff. He looked at us as though we were sun crazed, but decided that getting rid of us for a few days might be in his best interest and allowed us to go look for Nahanial. I went to make an apple pie with the apples the pixies helped find. Apparently, apple pie is Nahanial's favorite and to prepare for the journey.

That evening, we all lined up for our tasty pastries and lo and behold, our dog hunter orc was there with a wand checking everyone in line. His one remaining dog, shied away from me and he recognized me because of that. He pointed the wand at me and seemed disappointed that it didn't do anything. Tough break for him. Later it reacted to one of the cooks. Apparently the wand finds changelings, and the cook was one. I got my tasty treats and headed down the line. Later that night, I read my letter from Portia. Apparently she needs some herbs for her bear or 80 galifars to buy some—like I have that kind of coin.

7 Dravago, 994 YK

On the Road Again

We headed out with the caravan to Woodhelm. I noticed that nasty orc in one of the wagons, and took the last one in line to be away from him and his stupid dog. On the way we heard a cry for help in the woods and there were 4 humans being attacked by little frog people. They looked like merchants, and seemed to be losing the battle. We decided to help them, and found the little froggies to be quite tough opponents. Rex killed a few of them and a merchant by setting fire to a tree and having it fall on them. My bow shots just weren't cutting it today. I may need to practice a bit with it. Overall we finally managed to kill most of the frogmen and chase off the rest, but only one of the four humans survived.

I started to loot the bodies and found some tasty wine and other items I haven't identified yet. When we stopped to help the humans, the rest of the caravan kept on to Woodhelm so we are going to have to catch up to them.

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  1. Lightning Rail Chain Gang
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  2. What a Journey, Flumph!
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  3. Woodhelm
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  4. Statues in the Woods
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  5. I'm On Top of the World!
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  6. Shifty Orcs and Their Schemes
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  7. Prison Life is Not for Me
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  8. I'm Kind-of Confused
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  9. Side Quests Gone Wild
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  10. Little Orphan Army
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  11. Saving the World, Part {I can't count that high}
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  12. Moving Right Along...
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  13. The Quest for Dragon Blood
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  14. Oh, Gods! That's a Big Frog!
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  15. Why do Men Always want Boats?
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  16. To the Temple of Elemental Dragons
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  17. Azalakardon's Lair
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  18. Finally a Day of Peace
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  19. We Almost Lost Our Meat Shield
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  20. Return of the Dragon Blood
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  21. Return to Woodhelm