Finally a Day of Peace by Verna | World Anvil

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24 Dravago, 994 YK

Finally a Day of Peace

by Verna Appleblossom

23 Dravago, 994 YK

We settle down for a long deserved rest and tie ourselves down before bed. That way, if we fail the Siren's call of the stones we have a fighting chance to have our party members assist us from drowning ourselves.

24 Dravago, 994 YK

Good thing we did because Rex Miles decided it was a great time to go swimming in the morning. He fought us so hard we almost lost him in the depths. Donaar didn't consider that a big loss.

We teleport to the town Miles sees in his fire images and where he saw in the crystal book that the cultist was reading. We head to a large plaza area and read the Delathorn Gazette and find out the name of the town as well as the fact that they have an unusually large number of people missing. Is the town guard here equally as incompetent as the ones in Woodhelm? Or maybe just corrupt.

We head to a place called The Last Raven. Ravens are everywhere and I don't think the species will die off in my lifetime... so Last Raven? The place is all fancy and they turn us away at the door because our clothes look like they lost a fight with the dirt and cuts monster. We decide to capitalize on our rotten appearances and head to the shady part of town. We see a dive called The Shady Ogre's Bar and go in to see if Miles can get kidnapped. He wanders in and I follow along a few minutes later. The only drink available looks and smells like raw sewage. The only other patron of the place is drinking it and Miles buys one for me as I come in. Eying it warily, the barkeep threatens me to drink it. I take a sip, and it tastes pretty good! Miles sees me drink it and he tries it as well. He likes it too. I sip sparingly so I don't get hammered and can keep what little wits I have about me. Miles finishes his drink. A short while later, the others enter the bar. Donaar takes a sip and spits it out in disgust. Same with Wabnuc. It's not that awful, but I stop drinking. In conversing with the barkeep, we learn that some regular named Barika has been missing some time. He's had a hard time adjusting after the war and usually drinks off his problems at the bar.

We head to the docks to see if we can learn anything. The dockmaster tells the tale of Barika that has been missing from the area for a while. He boasted that he was going to land a job at some underwater tour place at the west end of town. He was a regular in the area and helped load/unload the cargo ships.

We decide to go to the bathhouse to get cleaned up and become presentable. It feels so good to get clean. They laundered our clothes and mended them. Now Donaar doesn't smell like blood, sweat, and dragon.

Next, we head to the tour and see if we can learn of Barika's fate. He did show up there for a job, but lacked the refinement to land the job. He was too crude and was sent to a finishing school to lean manners. The tours are extremely pricey... several hundred gold for the four of us to go.

Miles and Wabnuc decide to check out the ship, called a Kwalish Apparatus, while Donaar talks to the tour booking agent. I'm bored, but I have to play the part of Donaar's servant. I just sit there quietly and watch the others. Eventually we leave and head to the royal baths. Donaar sensed a dragon presence there earlier and wants to check it out.

Donaar reports back that this dragon is no help to us and wants him to give a message to Miles. Miles runs off in a huff into the place and comes out complaining that you should never meet your heroes. They are a disappointment. I'm not sure what he means, but whatever.

I'm not sure what the next plan is. Do I hide on the outside of the ship and see where it goes during it's tour? Do we try to sense where the other dragon, Anaphylaxis Azalakardon is using Donaar's dragon sense? That's a decision for someone smarter than me.

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  18. Finally a Day of Peace
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