Statues in the Woods by Verna | World Anvil

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8 Dravago 994 YK

Statues in the Woods

by Verna Appleblossom

8 Dravago, 994 YK

We were walking in the woods and I saw a huge statue in the distance. After talking with the rest of the crew, we decided to investigate. After a while we get close enough to investigate and find the crazy from town, Dwarf-In-A-Barrel! He is camped at the foot of what looks like a large statue. He claims it's some guardian for the world tree and also claims his name is Klaus. I still think he is on Melange, but the others seem to trust him. And I am starting to warm to their company. Not sure why, but I find it easier to trust the fey more than my own companions. Must be Portia rubbing off on me.

Speaking of Portia, I haven't found another one of her stupid mushrooms since Rex toasted the first. I'll keep my eyes peeled, but Barrel-guy claims they don't grow close to the obelisk. We'll see about that.

The smarty-pants human and gnome looked at the world tree sprout and found that it is charred and magically compelled to stay that way. Dragon-boy claims its the work of the Silver Flame. They say it is locked with a blood curse. Whatever.

The barrel Klaus says that the statue is a construct that will protect the tree, but it needs lightning to get going. Too bad the one we are trying to free is stuck in the ground. We don't have the zaps for the statue, so we head off in search of the obelisk. Klaus promises to help us get to the obelisk but claims there are constructs here that can be tough. It's ok. I'll just hide behind my personal meat shield and stab as I get the chance. Plus Glub-Glub wants to keep moving.

Glub-Glub needs a better name. Spitballing a few ideas here to ask him later:

  • Algae B. Eater
  • Lake Skywalker
  • Swim Shady (my personal favorite)

So we are walking on the path and Klaus claims that there are constructs under the ground watching us. So, I start sneaking like a thing that sneaks so we don't get heard. Of course the paladin and sorcerer trip over each other and make enough noise to wake the undead! So much for surprise. A few stalks pop up and I jump on the barrel, set Glub on the barrel between my feet and launch a couple of arrows into these things. It didn't do anything but make them mad. They charge us and the only one that can hurt them is Klaus! He has some interesting-looking axes. He tosses one and I jump off and grab it. Having no idea how to use it, I make a few swings at the creature and completely miss. Such an odd weapon weight. I end up tossing it to the paladin as Klaus gets clobbered and run over to use my healing skills to keep him from The Keeper's clutches. He seemed upset that none of us had adamantine weapons. I'd keep the ax if I could hit with it.

We decided to go back to the statue for the evening to heal and regroup. I took a couple of pounds of adamantine from one of the kills to make a dagger, and found a bunch of adamantine arrows on the way back to camp. The gnome took the cores off of the kills and the human dragged one of the burrowers back to camp. The gnome got the statue powered up and it follows him around like a lost puppy. I'll look for more adamantine weapons in the morning. I'm tired!

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