Weeks by Rankle | World Anvil

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Sat 11th Jun 2022 12:25


by Rankle Master of Pranks

It's been quite some time since my last entry, and coincidentally quite a bit has happened. For starters we have all managed to stay in relatively good health, which is quite a feat considering how much trouble we seem to find on a daily basis. Some of the standouts in the past month have been pretty wild, Abby had a breakdown, came out of the breakdown better for it. Never died, then came back (I suppose that isn't quite staying in good health is it?) Barg was reunited with his family, then we killed them, Blanket actually got her face back from the towel on her head, (Blanket is a she by the way) I cut Never's hair (WILLINGLY) and Arc's master died. I know that's quite a lot of happenstance, what's amazing is that I'm probably forgetting loads. OOH I almost forgot I got this awesome new sword! Well technically its an enchanted needle that arc MADE into a sword, but it still works! I pulled my best prank in weeks the other day! In one of Abby's endless family homes I used my new sword to stitch all the bath towels into one MASSIVE bath towel! Then I stitched the two ends together so the fabric never ends! I love this thing! Then I started attaching all the curtains together, but I didn't have time to get the rest of them unfortunately. While I found this hilarious, it seems that Abby was a bit displeased. It seems his family is full of squares who don't like jokes. Poor guy. Well he's a helpful fellow so I'll try to avoid messing with his family if I can help it, but their neighbors....