Session 4 by Faraam | World Anvil

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Thu 18th Jul 2019 04:54

Session 4

by Inquisitor Faraam A. Perfuro

Began session in Kobold religious ante chamber, we exited it and had to swim across a lake which the Tabaxi proceeded to complain about. We found a tunnel system which branched into three paths and decided on going down the rightmost path first through democracy. Then their were two branching paths and the tabaxi detected sir down the left path so we went down that way (Lan is not a trailblazer). The path lead to a long cliff face that took two hours to shimmy across. Sol almost fell immediately, but was saved by Urist. We finished the shimmy portion, and if they hadn't killed the Roc last session, we would've fought it then. Passing through the fog lair, we made it to the second floor which began being dotted with ruins until we reached the outpost built into a cliffside. Inside was the Dwarf, Wor, brother to Kor. Sleeping in comfortable beds, we ate breakfast there where Wor said out of 40 groups this far, we are the fifth to make it to floor 2, the upper brass, shouldn't have killed the roc, the upper brass, root out the weak, and the upper brass. He said anything we heard of lower floors is either false or a half truth, and that this floor seems to be a ruin or school area of the past. The breaking left great impact on Pwll Mar, with things like entire ruins growing inside of it. The party keeps giving him and the upper brass shit until he and Lan form a small bond over being annoyed by Kor who is apparently a skilled adventurer. WOR POISINED THE FOOD. Enter one on ones. The drug puts you into a dreamlike state, exposed to your greatest flaw. The outpost seems a testing area for such things. We leave and a few of the party members decided to leave a sign to not eat what the dwarf gives. Continuing onward, the fog heavily thickens, giving sight in 10 feet. We found a book detailing the tale of a seemingly great person, which Lan and Urist were absolute SWEATY KNOBS for not letting me keep the book. And the book was written in ancient common btw. Continuing on, we found a ruin with pillars and symbols facing the cardinal directions. We went towards the sun and fought 3 darklings who probably have blind sight. Killing them and continuing on, we proceeded to have several misunderstandings until Faraam solved the puzzle. Away from sun, towards coin, away from sword, towards skull, away from winding path, towards sun. This lead to a door. Inside which was a sloped area which everyone but Faraam slide down because he dont have time for that. Next was a long passageway in which voices in ancient common spoke. Night sky used divine sense and found Thom to be part celestial. The next puzzle involved a long suspension bridge with an abyss underneath. Thom immediately threw a coin into the abyss and revealed the Indiana Jones path. The next trail was past the door on the opposite side of the bridge at the bottom of a spiral staircase. Two stone soldiers were frozen in place and on a foor in the room, flushed to the wall was the riddle "the soldiers stand idly by, patiently awaiting their next order." Which translates to stand still for 5 minutes. The last trial of the second floor was back out in the fog and a long straight path with a warning to not stray from the path. The temptations to leave the path were weak as helk and obviously a trap. First a woman crying for help, then baby wailing, aggressive snarling ahead of us on the path, and a woman's corpse on a mound in the path. After a discussion to bury the body or not, Lan yeeted it off the path so we could ignore it. The end of the path came to a door which lead to the third lair, but alas not third level.