— sessions twenty through twenty four. by Evelyn | World Anvil

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Sun 21st Jan 2024 12:05

— sessions twenty through twenty four.

by Sister Evelyn Albertine

Venturing deeper into the Spire, with Honey upon Rhodri's floating disk as she was still unconscious, we made our way down several levels, taking anything useful. Finding a collapsed hallway, Myalee and I entered, but not before Myalee triggered a mechanism on the floor, which made the door promptly shut, and as I was peeking my head in, I almost got cleaved in twain by it, but managed to slip inside. We found the skeletal remains, who still had a cloak and ring on. We took these items with us, Unsure if they were magical or important.
Upon donning the cloak, I immediately felt warm. Something I have not felt like this since coming to these frozen lands. The finger with the ring upon it embedded itself within Myalee's skin, making its way up her arm, towards her heart, but quick thinking, we managed to get it out and healed Myalee of the wounds she endured because of it.
We also came upon a shrine, which Rhodri and Verrick couldn't figure out, but I managed to. We discovered it was a shrine to Mystril, now worshiped as Mystra, Goddess of the Weave and magic itself. We found a vial of glowing liquid within the shrine, upside down due to the orientation of the Spire.
Venturing further down, we encountered a basilisk, and I was petrified. It is strange as I do not remember the battle happening and ending, with Mellisande curing me with pigments she found in the "upper levels" of the Spire. What felt like the blink of an eye was a much longer time, and I am forever in her debt for saving me. Upon checking my body, I discovered I now possess a spaded tail. The cloak I donned seems cursed and might be turning me into a tiefling.
Weary from the day and battles we encountered, we decided to rest, and upon waking, I am fully changed. No longer looking like what I am, but rather a tiefling. This might come in handy for us when we inevitably need to return to Targos.
Upon leaving the Spire, we witnessed the carnage of the battle and spotted a glowing dome in the snow. Approaching it, we encountered a snow golem, which we quickly took down and found a body in the snow. It appeared to belong to Rowan, someone important to Rhodri. As I was not powerful enough to resurrect, there was nothing I could do, and feeling hopeless, Rhodri gave her one of the potions he had bought from the merchant selling (redacted) products.
As I watched and prayed over the body, it began to change without my knowing, and she came back to life — attacking me as I was the closest to her. With help from Honey, telling us that she needed to don the mask, we put it on her and were able to calm her down.
We decided to wait out another night here before returning to Caer Konig with members of Honey's party that remained.
Remembering we promised to help with the missing inn's lantern, we head back into the snowy wastes. Eventually, we found our way to a fortress and slipped out way inside, but not before scouting the place the best we could and spotted what looked like a zombified Ogre. Here, we battled Duregar and the zombie. There were also strange fungus-covered people within the cells, acting like zombies or in some peculiar catatonic state.
With a storm approaching, we decided to stay the night before returning to Caer Konig to return the lantern to the Northern Light.
We came across someone doing a sacrificial ritual, summoning ice golems. Knowing we could not leave him to his own devices, we disposed of him and continued.
We decided to enjoy ourselves at the Northern Light, where I played with the familiars running about. Mellisande and Verrick decided to dance together while Rhodri took Rowan to the floor, leaving Honey in mild shock. Myalee and I went searching for music, where we, along with what I assume was a mime, played while the others danced.
Myalee spoke with Tatyana, learning something that I did not have the privilege to listen to, and I became fond of the mime Diexi, who I invited to the wedding. I hoped the message was relayed to Tatyana as well.
While we waited, I sent a message to Grigor letting him know we were returning home shortly. That plan was thwarted when Fable Nox asked me for Helm's blessing as she needed some guidance with a trade she was going to do with a man, who I later realized was Gadreal, the man who has been harassing Eliodiel and Mellisande. I also learned that Grigor is getting married soon... Much sooner than we had planned.
Unsettled by this, I tried reaching out to him, and the sending failed.
Fear has now consumed me, and we need to return to Bryn Shander as quickly as possible.