Seksgar by Seksgar | World Anvil

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Fri 16th Apr 2021 12:02


by Seksgar

This day started like any other here in the crystal forest - with a strange lady in a hut and my friends determined to make new friends blindly.
Fern was the first to brave the hut and spoke with the lady, who at the time seemed very nice. Fern assured us the old lady was good and even assured us we should eat the food the lady offered. I won't lie, the food was some of the best I've had in a while, but probably don't tell Fern that.
We decided not to stay where the old lady wanted us to stay for the night because something just didn't feel right. GOOD THING TOO. That lady attacked Zin's thoughts as if zin had eaten a whole snowball at once.
I, of course, wasn't going to let that happen lightly - so I charged at the witch and went on the attack. She held her own for several strong blows, and her diminished form actually grew after the first couple of swings from my hammer. The battle went on with blow after blow, but in the end my hammer proved harder than her frail skull. Something about her body still wouldn't give up, and I must commend her on that, but it was weird and creepy, and also Baggamuffin had not been fed in a while so I let her writhing body stick it's hand into the bag and well - it's gone now.
At some point in the battle she hurt my head too, and it was a very strange injury. Most of the time Fern can heal me, or I can just sleep it off. This time I just couldn't get back to normal for a while...
Then I had that dream...
My injury was gone when I woke up, but I don't know how to feel about that.

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