Seksgar by Seksgar | World Anvil

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Thu 18th Feb 2021 12:33


by Seksgar

I woke up in the middle of the night to Roscoe killing another me. I didn't feel it, but I didn't remember something, but I forgot what it was. It wasn't a me like was in the crystals a day before, it was more like a ghost of me, and there were ghosts of everyone else too. Later on in the day we met a lady named Tara who told me the ghosts were memories. I think it was my memory of my name because I still don't really remember that. My friends tell me it is Seksgar, or Sexman, and I remember their names so they probably remember mine. I'm glad I did not kill Roscoe's name when I tried, at least only mine died. There really is a lot of confusing things in this forest, it will be nice to be out of here.
After waking up again I noticed there are two suns. It seems really strange but stranger things have happened in this forest... more on that soon.
Roscoe met a lady called Tara, she's the one who told us how to get the ghost memories back in us. I thought my friends needed to eat them, but she said you just shake their hand. I had been chasing them around for hours and they would not come near me. I just wanted to catch one to give it back to my friend because I felt like it was a part of them they were missing.
Tara told us one of the suns was going to fall and said we could come hide out in her cave. We were almost back to her cave and the suns set. Lightning was streaking across the sky and there were a bunch of lightning phoenixes. Tara did some crazy lightning magic and had all of the birds in a lightning cage in the sky.
Tara said she can take me home whenever I want. She's pretty cool.
We were stuck in the cave for ten days just waiting until the magic forest was less angry. I don't know what Roscoe did this time, but it's definitely his fault. Can't be to mad at him though, the forest seems to be pretty touchy with its feelings.
In the ten days we were stuck, I wanted to learn more about Tara, but most of the questions I asked it turns out I had already asked the first night we met. I should probably spend some time thinking of new questions to ask people to learn about them.
Other than that, I used all of my mirror time and have to wait for it to work again before I can see Holly and Kuhmrag. I miss them most when we are stuck in holes I have noticed. Like the hole at the tower, and this hole in the ground. I think it is easier to let them be when I can see the stars and think they are seeing the stars too. Anyway... I will wait impatiently to leave here and get Tara somewhere safe from the memory ghosts.

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