Seksgar by Seksgar | World Anvil

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Thu 11th Feb 2021 03:13


by Seksgar

While my friend Duraz was viciously attacked by a underground phoenix, I had to do my best to stop the spread of wildfire and prevent the destruction of the entire crystal forest. Duraz defeated the beast, but a bigger one attacked from the sky. A two front attack was clever, but my party is cleverer. Fern blinded the beast, and we heroically chose to spare its life.
Later, I was in a crystal with Kuhmrag, but then it was just Kuhmrag. I felt like I needed to help him, but Zin convinced me the crystal was just trying to play a trick on me. It is a good thing I listened because when I mirrored to Holly, it turned out Kuhmrag was with her the whole time. I wonder what would have happened if I smashed the crystal to free Kuhmrag?
At night, I took watch with Blackthorne, and it was boring and there was no glory to gain so I wanted to leave. Something told me I could find glory in the forest, but then Blackthorne accused me of stealing his boat - which is weird because I don't even have a boat - and then convinced me it was the forest playing a trick on me again. This forest is very tricksey, but I am lucky my friends are smart enough to see when it is tricking me.

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