Korathi's Revenge by Hul Stonebull | World Anvil

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Dailos, 8th, 1204

Korathi's Revenge

by (Deceased) Hul Stonebull

My first entry in this journal ended with hope for a challenge as great, or better than the first. I was sorely disappointed. I arrived to a small town on the border of Dolten, where the village chief sought assistance with wiping out a bandit leader, Korathi Shadeweaver who survived a previous group of adventurers. My company consisted of Irith (returning from last outing), Lotto Love (Lot-O Love) a Red Dragonborn, Allegro Andante (All-Eh-grow Ahn-dan-tay) a Human/Aasimar, and Kallisto (Call-ist-o), a Triton whose full name was long and intricate so I shall just leave it as Kallisto. After a short time dealing with the various shopkeepers around town, and minor conversation with each other, we ventured out to the encampment of the bandits with the help of a rather pathetic one of their previous members (I don't remember his name. He left a very poor impression). When we arrived, we discovered that the cave hideout had been abandoned, and a tribe of kobolds had taken up residence. Through insistence of Allegro, and Irith, we kept casualties to a minimum (although I expect it would have been no trouble to clear the caves through bloodshed) and learned the location of the new encampment. We, once again, set off, after stopping back in town, and came face to face with Shadeweaver. The bandit ordered his men to destroy a bridge we were attempting to cross, but I had barely stepped foot on it, so was in very little danger. Allegro, apparently, spoke to some alligators who agreed to not hinder our crossing on the condition that we returned the mount of the bandit leader to them, as a meal. The man rode into battle on a trained rhino, I had hoped they would serve a challenge, but they were swatted away almost as easily as the bandits. I suppose I'm ruining the flow of the retelling here, but there was little tension, or drama to be had, on my part. Lotto suffered a grievous injury, but I was barely scratched. Shadeweaver fell within seconds and his mount did not fare much better.
I hunger for greater challenge.

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  1. Underneath the Sands
    20th Day of the Second Month, 1204
  2. Korathi's Revenge
    Dailos, 8th, 1204
  3. Immortals
    Dailos, 13th, 1204