Underneath the Sands by Hul Stonebull | World Anvil

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20th Day of the Second Month, 1204

Underneath the Sands

by (Deceased) Hul Stonebull

I embarked on my first- what should I call them- mission, outing, strenuous busywork? Whatever I decide to call it, I was tasked with venturing into the deserts of Majital to investigate the mysterious reappearance of a town that had long been swallowed up by the sands. The journey itself was largely uneventful, and, along the way, I was joined by a Tiefling Wizard named Nemeia (pronounced Nem-AY-uh), a Kobold named Dust (fairly obvious), a White Dragonborn named Irith Odus (Ear-ith), and a strange little thing named Uvo (Oo-vo). While en route to the village, the group decided to largely travel by night and we encountered a few zombies that were dispatched easily enough. Throughout the course of our encounter with the zombies, I allowed Nemeia to scorch me with a spell, obliterating quite a few of the zombies at the same time. Upon arriving at the recently rediscovered village, the group rather quickly discovered a sewage tunnel to a secret encampment of cultists who appeared to be worshiping some form of burning creature. Much like the zombies, the cultists were largely ineffectual, having to resort to harsh words once I had barricaded the corridor they were attempting to pass through by using myself and the body of another writhing cultist to block passage. Nemeia, once again, dispatched a large number of them with the same spell as earlier, but I was not burned, this time. Having cleared out that floor of foes, the group descended further into the compound and encountered yet more cultists along with their ringleaders. The cultists, again, put up little resistance (although they did manage to break my concentration on a spell I had cast, as well as knock out Irith), but the ringleaders boasted far greater strength and managed to knock me down! Nevertheless, they were swiftly defeated leaving only one final room to investigate. We spent a fair amount of time resting so that Irith and I might get our strength back, before pressing on. The final room was an infernal landscape of smouldering rumble and charred bones with only one visible resident: a burning fiend. We spared little pleasantries with the creature and met it in battle. It was a formidable opponent indeed, striking hard and fast, inflicting considerable wounds against me with its first strikes, but I returned the favor with a crippling blow infused with both divine and thunderous power! As the battle progressed, the creature began to unleash buffets of flame, as its life force grew dim, once again, singing my coat. Nemeia proved her arcane prowess and dispatched of the foe with little effort or risk to herself. All in all, it seemed like a rather mundane outing, at first, but the cultist's superiors made it a fine test of my abilities. I hope future outings can match this one.

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