Immortals by Hul Stonebull | World Anvil

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Dailos, 13th, 1204


by (Deceased) Hul Stonebull

It happened. I have met with a foe that promises to whet my appetite for a greater challenge. I met the Viaken that seek to threaten the land in conflict, along side a platoon of other adventurers, and a regiment of the Krazaxian army, in battle. They fight with great ferocity and they are incredibly difficult to put down. They do not balk in the face of immense walls of fire, or gruesome divine blows, but merely charge forth. I suffered minor wounds, yet again, but I feel that was only due to providence. If I had been paying less attention, I could have suffered grievous injuries.
A short entry today. My aim is set.

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  1. Underneath the Sands
    20th Day of the Second Month, 1204
  2. Korathi's Revenge
    Dailos, 8th, 1204
  3. Immortals
    Dailos, 13th, 1204