~Thoughts of Secilia~ by Secilia | World Anvil

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Fri 20th Aug 2021 11:55

~Thoughts of Secilia~

by Secilia

-A Hafla? Booze and food? I am quite parched, but I could never bring my self to partake in such drunken festivities lest I want my senses to be dulled
-An orgy? I may not know much of sexual exploits, but I do understand context, though from what I’ve heard of these orgies, I wonder what the actual point in them are…
-Books upon books … but nothing more than dusty page bound between leather. The seller could not offer me much more than I already know about The Undead Curse, though some of the pages could lead to some interesting reads…Though it seemed as Inira and Inara found something of use for in their endeavors. There is thought, caught wealth of knowledge I can gain from Inara about my elven ancestry. Though, in such a society, how welcomed would a half breed such as I, be.
-Oh, it’s that gnome. I was beginning to grow rather fond of her. I’m glad to see her back in our company.
-Hmmm, her tales from Rowan’s excursions does not bode well for us. This hydra…it seems we may be fated to encounter it whether we like it or not.
-Our group seems to be ever expanding, though with the woes we continue to face I can’t say that I don’t welcome it…but I don’t know Grimaldus too well, so I don’t know how well we can trust this “Yahiro”; his wife and himself though, both seem rather odd.
-Such a loud voice; must have used some manner of spell to achieve this. The women and child seemed very uneasy too. Hasim seemed to know what was going on…things are starting to get tense. We may have gotten the attention we’ve fervently been seeking
-Damian? Who is this Damian that Grimaldus speaks of?
-The Hafla has started. I must stay strong. The smell…The smell of booze in the air…it’s sickening.
-A drinking contest? How savage…but intriguing…and now Rowan is joining? Though I feel Dekar may have more of chance, I’d like to see the gnome have chance, if not win! … Though Uriel might look poorly upon this decision, I think I’ll give her my talisman to give her a boon…Might as well find some fun in this “Hafla”.
-It’s time for the debate….I will head with Hasim. Yahiro and Rowan are accompanying us as well. While the others stayed and attend to this fighting match…I have a bad feeling…I should leave my talisman with someone…Even with it’s dark tidings…It is still a boon that aids me still to this day…What is my patron after…
-This priest…This tower…Is it not that same tower Rowen spoke of…The one the Hyrda will claw up…Everything we need to continue…The knowledge that we seek…It is in there…And I feel as if though this priest will not let us pass so easily.
-These attacks, this priest…He is strong…I feel for now I must take the back seat, for if I don’t attend to Hasim’s wounds he may parish in battle…Let the Celestial Light heal his wounds…
-He is defeated…though it seems the fighting back down towards the town has intensified…I feel things may have taken the turn for the worst for the rest…
~After teleporting to Inara~
-What is going on…Where did this wizard come from…It seems as if though everyone is hell bent on stopping….but he is getting away… Uriel, dear friend…This time I need your Aim rather than you might…Take up your bow…Let you shots strike true.
-Uriel has struck him down …. I shall have him grab the items off his corpse…There might be something to them that might aid me in my quest…Though without the knowledge…I may need help from some to ascertain their effects.
-That noise…What could it be…. Rowan’s words are beginning to ring true…This fight is

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  1. A Long Road
  2. ~Thoughts of Secilia~
  3. Friends?
  4. ~A Stronger Path~